Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Filthie Witch Hunter


This is just a reminder of how Christianity became so popular today.*

During the reign of Charlemagne, women were impaled on sharpened poles put in the vagina.

Slowly, over days, the pole would travel the length of the body through the organs, causing tremendous pain, simply because a woman was found collecting herbs in the forest. She was labelled a witch.

Their screams could be heard for days as an example to those who would not accept the foreign faith. Christianity became so popular because of sheer terror of what would happen if it wasn't accepted…

Really, now? I suppose there might have been some matricidal psychopaths out there somewhere… but…sorry kid. This sounds like the kind of weird fetish stuff right out of Penthouse. I never did skin mags as a kid except for Hustler… gawd - the jokes still make me laugh 20 years later. Who was that demented publisher? Larry Flynt? In one issue he and the girls were eating Pervert Candy. There were Enema Ms, Butt Fingers, and other disgusting horrors with pics that… ughhh! Here I am, in my 60s, still laughing at pooh jokes…


But… I digress - sorry kids. Impaling women like this is nowhere in the bible and I’m pretty sure God would take umbrage at us if we did do stuff like that. Most of Christian menfolk would too now that I think about it! Who would clean the dishes and make sammiches? HAR HAR HAR!


I’ve got him on my Kindle somewhere. I think his name’s Ed Dutton? He has a very short nonfiction book about the witch burnings and had a very unique theory on the ins-n’-outs of it. He postulated that in frontier colonial towns, where communities had to pull together just to survive… everyone HAD to hang together or they’d hang separately. Good will among the people was essential just to put food on the table.

Welp… the men were generally too busy to stir up trouble and when they did, frontier justice was usually enough to correct them. They tended to commit crimes that were easily dealt with by the courts. Women typically don’t do mundane crime. They commit sins.  They gossip, they spread rumours, commit adultery,  start feuds - and men get killed when they get sucked into it. The courts couldn’t deal with them…so the church did. Witch burning (according to Dutton) was a way of getting rid of lethally contentious women.

It’s funny that today the courts still can’t deal with them. In court, women regularly falsely accuse men of rape and abuse. When they’re caught… there’s no punishment for them. There’s no perjury most of the time. Today many women regard frivolous divorce as a means to cash and prizes that literally turn men into wage slaves and serfs. Single moms produce 75% of the nation’s juvies and 85% of the murderers. Their kids do horrible in school. 

Fact is…if they took classical Christianity seriously they’d probably be much better off for it…

But whadda I know? 


  1. Sadly, I've had women friends that knew how long they could be married and how much they'd get in the divorce. I myself spent far too long in the crooked family court because of my butthurt ex. I sympathize with BCE. Watching Divorce Corp was reliving the nightmare all over.

    1. Yeah I saw that about Tiny. I wanted to say something but all I could think of was this: "One day, we all get that notice from the doctors that it's the end of the line, and we need to get our affairs in order.

      Welp... that judge or whatever he was - might be one of the affairs he needs to deal with before shuffling off this mortal coil..."

      But he was coming apart at the seams trying not to fedpoast so I kept my thoughts to myself. Some issues are so nasty and divisive they will have to maybe be resolved in the next world...

  2. I've seen that same theory and it makes sense. And come on, almost every person back then knew about herbs and various plants and compresses and such for medicine. That in and of itself wasn't considered witchcraft. But the woman who lies, slanders, sluts around? Yeah, witch. That and obvious mental illness.

    1. I never thought of that... but sure, it makes sense. I totally understand atheists... unfortunately in today's day and age people have no idea of what Christianity actually is. They are hostile to the churches and to be honest many of them deserve some of it... but preposterous stuff like this flies because people are too busy to stop and think. Or they get lazy. For me it was both.

      For whatever reason, my Maker tripped me one morning on Dawg Island and I was astonished to find God right under my nose, sprawled in a snow drift. No dramatic visions or revelations... just a black wintery morning and an infinite array of beautiful snow flakes drifting in the breeze. Might have been my imagination but I felt a sense of mild bemusement. I do not talk to God but I swear that sometimes I can see his hand move in tiny ways and feel His presence close by.

      Errr... sorry for the preachin... it was a profound event for me personally that still amazes me to this day. Willful blindness is not something you shed lightly...

    2. If nothing else, you might thank Him for anything good that happens to you or ask Him if He's got anything He'd like you to do.

    3. Read the Bible, that is God talking to you, pray, that is you talking to God.
      I do include many of you retards in my prayers.


    4. I think you have an interesting story in regards to your enlightenment. It would probably be nice to read. Also, why are our stumbling grounds referred to as a "mortal coil"? Curious.

  3. Check Vlad the Impaler, AKA Vlad Tepes. Elizabeth Bathory is another good source. In Europe, death by slow torture was a lot more common than any of those Limeys, Froggies, or Spaghetti Benders would care to admit. Those Krauts were right on top of that program too, and the whole business with them carried through to 1950.

    The beliefs of people of the medieval time period were much different than we have today. The Catholic church actually ruled most of the known world, and they did it through fear of eternal damnation. The whole witch hunt fiasco was a part of that. Having trouble with a neighbor? Lie to the village elders and claim you saw them worshiping the evil one.

    What I, personally, actually wonder about is this: We know, today, that people practice witchcraft, satanism, and other obscure religions. These days we let them alone in the name of freedom, but back then people followed Exodus 22:18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." What if, back in the bad old days, they really were practicing witchcraft? What then?

    1. All true, Jack. But let us have some perspective - the gist of this thing is that Christianity is soaked in blood. Well…Vlad was Vlad was eliminating political adversaries. Religion was only a fig leaf to cover what he was doing. I laugh at these militant atheists that decry religion as a cause for bloodshed. It’s preposterous; Soviet Russia killed more jews than Germany ever did, and millions of its own people. Mao Tse Tung and his communists killed tens of millions. Pol Pot must have had a tidy body count…

      Say what you want, the Bible does not condone genocide or ethnic cleansing…
