Sunday, June 23, 2024

Technical Difficulties

 Well I’m home now smelling like a skunk and patiently waiting for my turn at the showers. I wish YOU were here to smell the funk, HAR HAR HAR!!! 😂👍

My cellular hotspot went down last night but other than that all my camping gear checked out and is good to go. The camper has all the food and perishables and electronics brought in. While I waited for the shower I was poasting up the comments and deleted one…if your comment was the one that was lost…don’t get your nose out of joint! It was an accident!

I think it was Joe on the email asking about shooting bags? Yes!!! Make your own!!! Although I prefer to fill them with steel or lead shot. You can use other fillers like sand or barley or dried beans…but I found that they dry out better and sit more solidly with the shot. You must also keep a sharp eye on them or they’ll walk away on you…

Make ‘em outta some old jeans,
and fill them up to your preferences. They will literally
sit on the bench like a sack a lead
and they will not move when you bag up at the bench.

You can buy them too but I wouldn’t. It’s nice to have a couple bags of shot around if you need to make a box or two as well. The front rest is an adjustable cradle I made out of a scrap of MDF. For guys like us these’ll do just fine. If you are an anal retentive F-TARD F-CLASS or precision rifle guy…then it might be worth spending serious money.

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday…

Thanks for dropping in.



  1. Bipod.

    Chutes Magoo

    1. If it’s a good one, maybe. Thos friggin Harris one’s a junk…
