Sunday, June 23, 2024

How About Dem Oilers, Eh?

Once again the zombies of the Filthie family are glued to the TV: in the wonderful world of sportzpuck… the Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadmontim Oilers have fought a vicious campaign against Some Eeeeevil American Franchise Expansion Team to the very, very last game of a 7 game series. Who will the Hockey Gods favour???

I mean… hell’s bells. Florida? FLORIDA??? They don’t even have ice down there! They grow froots and lizards all year round! They probly got BC in net and BP up centre ice and both of em skating on their ankles!!!


And the playoffs have dragged out a FULL SEVEN GAMES!!!? Ugggghhhh. Oh you can bet your bottom dollar everything’s legit here!!! The great Games??? Fixed?

HOW DARE YOU!!!  😡😡😡😡

The tension up here is so thick you can cut it with a….



  1. I'm back, got let out early for good behavior or because we finished the job early. .I forget which .

    I'm not a hockey fan but i hope edmonton winds because someone on my shift put 4k down on florida figuring it was an easy $400 profit, but looses the 4k if edm wins


  2. Edmonton has to win. Then the buzz will rise about a return of The Dynasty, and the return of the re-incarceration of St. Gretzky And His Apostles!

    You doing shift work, E?

    1. Employer owns a bunch of plants, I move between them as required. When not on site I work m-f out of a field office.. but when i'm at a plant is weeks straight, 12+hr days.

      So far this year i've done 11 weeks of field work.


  3. Florida? It's worse than you think. It is South Florida and their arena is on the edge of the Everglades.
