Monday, June 24, 2024

As Good A Theory As Any



  1. Women can orgasm????

  2. No one wants to address the fact that a man gets up before God, his family, her family and all their friends and takes his wife in holy matrimony in sickness or in health forever and ever. She can one day decide she is not happy (translates as she thinks she can do better) and destroy everything on an emotion. Destroy their family, wreck their kids lives and that all perfectly acceptable and in fact is strongly encouraged. Who doesn’t have a soul ?

    1. Yeah I just don’t get that at all. The only justice in that is that they destroy themselves too…and then they’re angry when no one sympathizes with them.

  3. So that has been my problem, mom didn't come... glad dad sure did. I am finding out men are the ones that have a soul, women have menses and that drains them of compassion, empathy and that spark of humanity that would be the nexus for a soul. Besides they never have to unclog a sewer line they caused...
