Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rifle Range Poast Mortem Monkeyshines

Today I’m going over the RV, airing out fart sacks, replenishing supplies and readying things for the next trip out. Awhile back I poasted some groups from my experimental handloads - and promptly wrote them off as ho-hum plinker or practice loads. *In a high pitched falsetto* “oh, they’re just 2 or 3 inches or so - BFD! I can do better…” 

I should really shut my hole sometimes! šŸ˜”

I got the targets down stairs to patch up for the next trip out, and figured I’d just get a formal measurement for my reloading notes. 


55 grain Hornady VMAX
23.3 gr. H4895
PPU military brass, CCI small rifle primer
1.849” @ 200m, 0.9245 MOA

Edit: Who’s the hare-lipped retard that measured this?!!?  I shoulda measured 
from the first hole on the left to the bottom most one!!!
Ughhhhh! Teh stoopid!!! It BURNS!!!
Add two or three tenths of an inch to that if it makes ya feel better..!

55 gr. Hornady VMAX
23.9 gr. H4895
PPU military brass, CCI small rifle primer
1.901” @ 200m, 0.9505 MOA

Apologies for the mix up. Now that I have an adult special education measurement, this load goes from “ho-hum” to…”interesting”.  That’s within striking distance of a tournament load for me… and were I a top tier rifleman that goes into a lot of formal competitions - you could bet your bottom dollar I’d be on this load like ugly on an ape! I’d push this load right to it’s accuracy limits.

But… I’m an old stubfart gun club duffer. I do the odd informal match but only shoot enough to maintain proficiency. I have lots of H4895 gun powder, I have a quantity of 55gr VMAX pills… so I have this summer’s practice load down and will put it into mass production! I’ll get at least another 500 I suppose…but we still have more xperiments to do with other bullet weights. 

As always the question is this: how much accuracy is enough, and what are you willing to pay for it? For an economical bullet, with free brass (fished out of the garbage can)…I’m content with this for now, coming as it does from a 16” econo-carbine. 

Welp… I’ve still got a ton of things to get after now that I’m back home. I hope your Monday is going well.




  1. The way I see it, you are shooting against yourself. So go with what makes you happy, Damn, will you put that thing back in your pants.
    Now back to your groups, many wish they could do that at 100 yards. If it was me, I would continue to fart around with a goal of 1.5 inches at 200 yards however even if I never got there I would take satisfaction shooing under 1moa.

    1. Well F - you’re right! I looked at my records, and I’ve only got two powders tested with this bullet - CFE223, and this one, H4895. Gawd - I am not firing on all 8 today…šŸ˜–

      We’re going to try IMR3031 and Varget next. I don’t expect miracles but ya never know!

  2. Either way that group would fuck up some ones day at centre mass.

    Chutes Magoo

  3. I've done some group-shooting farting around myself and have made most every mis-step you can make with using a caliper to measure hole-to-hole seeing as how it's more like hole center to hole center we're looking at. If you haven't tried it, I really recommend trying out the simple program/app "On Target". You take a phone photo of the target (have ruler marks of some kind or something you can use to scale the image), then bring in that photo. You point and click at the point of aim (center probably) and scale the target (drag a ruler over your marks and tell the software the actual distance it is, as well as the target distance in meters or yards) then point and click on the bullet holes in the group. It will tell you everything there is to know automatically and it won't make the various possible mistakes (that I've made and couldn't tell until later I'd made). You can even print out the target with all the stats etc shown on it, it's great.
    using it, I tend to find that the actual group size in MOA is better than what I thought it was when I first looked. highly recommended.
    Tom from East Tennessee

    1. Yeah I have an app and should have used it. But… it will have to be next time. That’ll be an interesting experiment…I will measure it both ways and see what we get…! šŸ‘

  4. Try Range Buddy in the Play Store.

    Put holes on the existing holes and plot your aim point and the app will tell you the group size in MOA and IN and where it's located relative to you point of aim.

    Easy to use, just define 1" on the target and go.
