Monday, June 24, 2024

The Bourne Moronacy: Seekrit Identities & Memery Basics

In response to the emails - no, I am not trolling General Aesop again using secret identities and fake screen names and IP addresses. Which means…one of YOU are! HAR HAR HAR! It’s probably Michael again! And now I’m curious about what he said, HAR HAR HAR! HAR HAR HAR!!! Errr - and for the record, no, I’m not a child molestor. Might be a good time to point out though, that anything that nanny goat in Tofield says is damned lie!


Putting the pranks and food fights aside, I think I’ve just lost interest in the Ukraine conflict. I’m a retired old fart. But I’m not stupid. I can use Alt Media with fair dexterity. My super power is that I can listen to and evaluate information I don’t like. The one sin I will never commit is that of shooting the messenger. I can do a 15 hour deep dive/fact checking of any issue that intrigues me. General Aesop has an attention span of five minutes.

‘Newly acquired weaponry’
‘Paying Russia back’

It’s a sign of the times. People think and communicate with memes. And they think that makes them smart! Now I admit it - some of those memes are devastating examples of  the best of human wit and humour. Who’s that wank on Twatter? Sal The Agorist? 50 years ago the major news companies would have spent fortunes to hunt that guy down and sign him on as an opinion columnist or an analyst. 

The meme generators are something else too eh? We often associate wit and humour with intelligence…and the meme generator is like a crutch for stupid people so they can fake it. If I were to pull one out of my arse…..

I’ll play with the retards on their level…but
it bores me.

 The most scathing meme humour often relies on metaphor. Lefty liberals and other types of stupid people think it rests on sarcasm which is why all their memes are like “orange man bad”. So it goes for Putler and Aesop: Vodka Man Bad…” By contrast, mine is far too heavy on metaphor, maybe? If you were tempted to smirk at it you’d be smirking at Gru rather than the informational element. The perfect meme has large helpings of truth and metaphor lightly dusted with sarcasm. I really should turn my formidable intellect toward memery, maybe? It is a powerful communication medium but it’s also one that needs to be used sparingly. 

Hmmmmmm… a clinical, objective study? Of humour? My dear friends - why not?


  1. Speaking towards humor, I get a kick out of these euro talking heads promoting "3 days of supplies". Thats just what people need to calm them down while the top men slither into their bunkers.

    1. True, Tex. As far as that goes, anyone these days, who only has three days of preps on hand... is kinda asking for everything Darwin is going to dish out if things go south...

  2. Congrats for getting under Ass Slops thin skin. What a narcissist cunt he is.

    1. I didn't do it this time - but I suppose you are correct to suspect it! :)

    2. Just a hat tip and kudos brother Filthie. You OWN the 4" between Ass Slops ears.

  3. Off topic, but interested in your take: Julian Assange has suddenly been released from jail.....

    ... and there's a rumour circulating that a hacker group called LockBIT has hacked the Fed, and published 30sum terabytes...

    ... I wonder if they're related...

  4. I think the US Navy might have a lot of interesting things happening before the end of August because of this.

    And I can say up your way, Don Stewart is a start to getting rid of Fidelito.

    1. I think everyone will in the days coming. Microprocessor SMART munitions and war machines are everywhere now. Iran's last dump on Israel scored some seriously critical hits and everyone knows it because everyone can see what everyone else can from satellite and drone technology. They can see in the dark, through cloud and fog - and they have all the old world intelligence means to draw from after that.

      Stealth technologies are going to be the next battleground and I strongly suspect great strides forward are on the horizon for that...

  5. I discovered who Aesop is (raconteur report) but who is Putler? I don't read either one.

    You don't strike me as the sort to post anonymously. If you had something to say, you'd say it. Case closed.

    I, too, have lost interest in the Ukraine war, and I'm fast losing interest in the Israel / Palestine-Hamas conflict.

    1. Sorry Jack…Putler = Putin.

      In today’s day and age…everyone you don’t like is automatically the latest reincarnation of Hitler…

  6. I don't think this thing is allowing me to post.

    You mentioned Putler and Aesop. I know who Aesop is (Raconteur Report) but who is Putler? I don't read him.

    Aesop's accusations are ridiculous. You aren't the type to post anonymously. When you have something to say, you say it, and it's a done deal.

    I, too, am losing interest in the Ukraine / Russia war. The Israel vs. Palestine-Hamas is getting tedious.

  7. Good! The dumb POS's are reaping their dumbassery! Awesome! F' Jamal! Loudmouth ignorant MFR! Bye Jamal… don’t let the door…
    Ignorant MFRs need to be sent packing asap. F' AOC too!
