Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Might Actually Be An Improvement… ?

The Japanese seem to have no problem with it. In the morn they don’t make the bed - they fold it up and put it and the blankets away. It seems a quite reasonable arrangement. It would make it much easier for elderly cats and dawgs to get in and out too.

Of course the Japanese gun laws are absolutely stupid. If I understand them correctly you can’t even have a Leatherman - it’s off to jail if you’re caught with one. I dunno how they stand for it…? Mind you…maybe the lack of diversity has something to do with it? 


  1. Sorry, but us old crippled old farts would never get off of that bed even if it was on fire. We would just lie there and grimace whilst we cook.

  2. I'm single. That's how I live. Sometimes I fold it up, sometimes I make it up, but most times my bed is just like it is now - unmade.

  3. If it weren't for women, there'd be a lot less broken stuff to fix as well!

    As for the Japanese, it's easy to get a monoracial, monocultural group of people moving in the same direction, especially when they're taught from birth that the Emperor is a god on Earth.

    I hear the Leatherman thing is also an issue in England. Seems only MOOSELEMS can carry blades,... and rape the women,... and...

  4. I lived that way for quite some time, it was great, I called it the 'duffle bag lifestyle'. That's where I learned to roll my Tshirts instead of folding. Hehe!

    Chutes Magoo

  5. "If I understand them correctly you can’t even have a Leatherman - it’s off to jail if you’re caught with one. I dunno how they stand for it…"

    Seriously ?

    Japan has a long reputation for high quality cutlery, made with precision and high quality materials. And the Japanese populace are forbidden from owning them ? Jesus !

    1. I don’t think they’re forbidden to own them. They aren’t allowed to walk around with a blade of any meaningful length. Not sure what was the precipitating incident, but there was a series of high-profile stabbings in Tokyo about 20y ago. Which was about a month before I forgot to put my pocket knife into my checked luggage and got caught trying to take a 3” folding Buck knife through security at Kansai International Airport. Long story short(er), three uniformed guys, two carrying M4’s, appeared in under 60 seconds and escorted me to a back room. Oops.

      As to the sleeping stuff. I slept on a Thermarest pad for 6months. (In my house, not behind a dumpster, you assholes.) It wasn’t so bad.

  6. My 1st (and only apartment), my bedroom was exactly that. A 3" thick foam cushion on the bedroom carpet. Like Mad Jack above, I rarely did anything like folding the bedsheets. That was 1992 and it was much easier to climb up to my feet than it is now.
