Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Ramble: An Age Of Heroes Upon Us?


I’m in the middle of an historical fiction piece entitled, “Gates Of Fire: An Epic Novel Of The Battle Of Thermopylae”. All of us fellas are pretty much familiar with this tale from the Age Of Heroism. Even Spartan women supposedly lived in a state of virtuous heroism if the tales are true. Historical fiction is based on historical fact; this novel obviously isn’t a factual account of the battle; but it is entirely possible that it could have unfolded as the way it did in the book. The characters are obviously fictitious but the setting and their values are entirely historically correct to the period, to the best of our knowledge. Authors like these used to research months and even years before they scribbled out their manuscripts. The one thing that seems to come through, after all these ages… is that the heroes of old were made, they were not born. With fools, it’s the exact opposite. They are born stupid, they grow up as morons, and they die as retards.

We live in an Age Of Fools. Clowns. We are ruled by them. They tell us what to think, what to believe, and we go along willingly because - let’s be honest - we’re craven. Perhaps we more properly live in an Age Of Cowards? If somebody dares to show some spine and courage, men with the constitutions of frumpy old nagging women dash in to cut him off at the knees. Then these self proclaimed defenders of public virtue spin their ‘narratives’ brag about their “deeds” when honest men are punished and silenced. Even talking forthrightly about clear and present threats to our countries and people must not be allowed, and they will sanctimoniously censor it whenever possible. Progressive socialists and communists have no better friends than cuck conservatives.

These guys are not fit to shine our shoes, nor are their enablers. Yet we roll over for them and treat them as legitimate leaders? When our nations collapse… I would not want to be in their shoes. People have long memories and they WILL hold a grudge. Last year I remember an incident where some black baboon, strung out on drugs, shot and killed a toddler in his stroller, right in front of the parents. And…his sobbing, turd brained mother made sure that everyone knew that she hoped the death of her toddler didn’t fan the flames of racism or incite hatred!!! What a brave, virtuous mother! The fake displays of perverted virtue are getting ever more nauseating each passing year. When the perp appeared in court, his she-boon mammy sobbed and wailed… “Mah babby! Mah baabbeeeey!!! He a GOOD boy!!! He dindu nuffin!!!!” Darwin is going to have a fuggin field day with us sooner or later… In better times, when we were better people…the Spartans would be cutting throats right now, regardless of the odds against them. Japan’s legendary Ronin would behead men like these regardless of the consequences. Those that dishonour us and weaken us had to be made to pay for their perfidy… and people had to see it being done too. American revolutionaries would be watering their liberty tree with the blood of tyrants, traitors and other treasonous turd-burglars. Or at least, that was the way of it in trying times. Just sayin’.

If the old saw goes that “hard times produce good men that create good times. Good times create low men that create hard times”…we are nearing the absolute bottom of that cycle. Which means if Darwin and his idiotic henchmen don’t get us…you and I are poised to create the crucible that will smelt and purify the greatest heroes known to mankind thus far! They can be nothing less, given the inheritance and birthright that we are leaving them. 

How does that make ya feel?  HAR HAR HAR! HAR HAR HAR!!! In the words of the greatest noble philosopher king of our age - Cederq The Stubfart - “fuck your sensitivity!!!” HAR HAR HAR!!!


I better stagger out, lake a leak and have a camp coffee. Don’t work to hard you guys. Chores can wait if family matters intervene. Your up and coming heroes of the New Age are your top priority. Last thought: When was the last time you had the kids out plinking with the .22s? Tomorrow’s future for your people will not be guaranteed by peaceful rural farmers, off grid hippies or paranoid preppers. The future we face will require warriors - good ones…and nothing less.

I’ve rambled too long - have a great Saturday! Thanks for stopping by!



  1. "Progressive socialists and communists have no better friends than cuck conservatives."
    ^ THIS ^
    Nailed it.
    Happy fishing.

  2. That treasonous queef The Turd™ needs to be Ceaușescu ed! It's the only way to get us out of this National crisis!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. The entire liberal party and the fuggin Dippers need to go Chutes. They’re ALL like that. Or worse! What we need is a good ol’ Soviet purge.

      One where they’re all together in parliament, and the security walk up, cuff ‘em, lead them away and they’re never seen again…

  3. I gave up hope for the human species decades ago. Other species exist to survive and procreate as individuals or in small cohesive groups living in a balanced ecosystem. Humans are cursed with the ability to reason and that makes them Lotus eating pleasure seekers that's not conducive to long term species survival. That does not bode well for humans but it's a natural cleanser that cannot be eradicated with computers, medicine or any other manufactured remedy.

    1. Not to defend him… but in B’s case…his money distances him from diversity. My mom’s like that. She lives in an affluent white retirement neighborhood where the only vibrants are well mannered servants and contractors, and the odd well behaved token family. The realities of multiculturalism and diversity never even phase on them.

      They live in an artificial, impervious stupidity chamber that protects them from the consequences of their own stupidity…

  4. Have you heard of the Frankfurt school? Commie, jooo, Satanists from WAY back used it to figure out how to turn advertising into majik spells, turn their clients into outrageously wealthy jooo, satanist robber barons. The commies and not-zees turned it into psyche warfare. It's relatively easy to turn The Great Masses into asses. Everyone is captured. They created the Overton Window to keep your Thought Crimes from straying into dangerous, prohibited truth zones. Don't go there! THERE BE LIONS AND DRAGONS, DEATH AND DANGER!!
    They spend billions on advertising BECAUSE it WORKS.
    Remember, the leaders and early revolutionaries, usually pay the ultimate price.
    How do you fight against something so all pervasive like the ocean or atmosphere? I know names and addresses, but that doesn't fix the past or now, still waiting for conditions to ripen.
    Keep yer head on a swivel.

    1. Yup. At this point there are no illusions or delusions anymore for the thinking realists. This HAS to end badly… or some powerful leaders and carpet baggers need to disappear

  5. Here’s a meme for you, our Northern Brothers:


    P.S.: When you’re done with that rescue dog, send him back, we might have use for him, too.

    1. No chit. The only thing that could make me take an interest in Canadian politics is if they started trying those guys in court and hanging a few…
