Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Ramble: The FJT Tobacco Project


Welp… I can’t believe it! Me and my brave outlaw tobacco plants are finally going outside! That is just the tip of the spear; probably about 1/8 of all the plants I sprouted. There’s a few more outside that are not in the pic. I have quite a few of those weird euro-pallets and I want to take them apart and build a tabaccy planter but for now…the little plants are still in their pots. I dunno if these guys will survive their first night outside…but we’ll see. 

I ran out of tobacco about a week and a half ago but I’m too cheap to buy anymore. I might buy the odd tin for the next year until I can transition to smoking my own product. I’m told that home grown tabaccy is inferior to the factory stuff…and I am in no position to naysay the experts… but I really liked the stuff I got out of BC.  

What I’d really like to do is collect pipe tobacco the same way I did with scotch. I didn’t know it but smoking vintage pipe tobacco is a major sporting event in stubfart circles. If tobacco is stored properly it’ll keep for decades just like scotch. This guy opens and smokes stuff that was canned in the 30’s… I sometimes just watch his vids to decompress. The old ads, the setting and vintage music… it soothes my nerves for some reason. I like and subscribe…

Hopefully I’ll be feeding these plants into my hand cranked shredder before the snow flies, and bottling it to sleep for a year as it mellows and ferments.

For now, me and my plants are alive and kickin’ and we’re still in the game…


  1. That makes my mouth water, like muckbang for Gentleman!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. Get some Mason jars for storage.

    Tobacco ages anaerobicly. Just screw the lid down and store in a cool dark place. Too warm or too wet and you risk mold.

  3. Don't sell yourself short.
    You've been smoking your own product for years! LOL

    Good luck with your gardening.

  4. We would get these giant, green tobacco worms big as your thumb that would eat the leaves like candy. Of course you sprayed poison on the plants to kill them, the bugs not the plants BTW. If the bugs live in the great white north just pick them off by hand (NB good fish bait). Keep then plants fed and watered till they start to put up a stalk with blooms at the top then cut that sucker off.

    More stuff to do after that, but not till early fall, which may have already arrived where you are, heck I don't know being a Southerner.

    Lots of chemicals used in commercial tobacco growing. Shoot you might prove tobacco is actually good for you with the clean Canadian variety:>)

    Keep us updated

    Gary in God's country (Tennessee, don't come here you'll hate it)
