Friday, June 21, 2024

Filthie Friday Fleshpot


Oh gawd. I’m getting as old and rotten as Kim du Toit. He used to poast pics of fat slags, old harpies and harridans and then perv out over them like they were goddesses. 


Thankfully I’m a man of refined tastes and sensibilities. That’s Paula Abdul… 62 years old! She’s doing pretty good for an old bint! šŸ‘

It’s 5:00 am here at the RV Park out on the range…and it’s time to get this day started off right! Yesterday I got in chit for broadcasting horrible disco music from the 70s into the stillness of the morn. Today… let us have something from the 80s that the old geezers camping here might appreciate!

Stand back everyone!
I’m gonna bust a move and start break dancin’!!!
I’m gonna bust a move and spin on my head!!!

Get up and get moving you old farts! Have a fast Friday, and make sure ya have something good lined up for the weekend!




  1. Strange how she got lighter in color with age too....

  2. I won't judge a book by it's cover. Sure, she looks good and frisky, but at 63 there's a good chance you'll have to dust the cobwebs off of her before you get down to business.

  3. Get em VP!

  4. She looks good, lots of surgery, creams, narcissism, etc...i heard a while back she is bat shit crazy. Well, makes for good sport, so count me in. Single and looking to mingle. I pocture it going like this, hold a cat real tight, the shoot your pistol with the other hand, and start the timer, see how long you can hold on.
