Thursday, June 20, 2024

Belated Good Morning


Constable JL to the Filthie Residence on Friday 4:00 PM!!!
Epic domestic dispute scheduled!!!

We got off the blocks slow this morn. I didn’t even make it down to the range. I got up, walked the camp pot licker and decided on big breakfast for when we got back. And that’s when I decided I was going to murder my wife! 

I’m one of those anal fellas that has a place for everything, and everything in its place. My camp gear was sorted with surgical precision! All the food was in a cooler and the dry goods in a big Tupperware bin with sauces, condiMINTS, salt, pepper, dawg food etc. the utensils and cutlery in another, the dishes, in another, cleaning stuff in another…etc. 

I don’t get it. My wife goes to work and is all business, all the time. Surgical precision competence in every direction - under pressure! She can take the screaming little monsters at the church girl’s club and have them marching in close order unison better than the green bean Marines! 

But the crazed bint is an utter SLOB in camp around the home!!! 🤬🤬🤬 Before I could make breakfast I had to drag everything out and get it sorted again!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!  Fortunately by mid-morn I had everything sorted out, organized and repackaged in the trailer and squared away. I swear I will beat the TAR out of her if she EVER messes up my culinary tools and equipment again!!!


All is well now, thankfully. I’ve had my morning coffivee… and I cracked off a delicious feast fit for a king!

Everything’s better after coffee… and a good nutritious breakfast!


  1. Mr. Filthie, that breakfast must be for a parrot.

  2. I used to smoke this back in the day. Good stuff!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. Bananas and bait?

  4. I might swing by if I can have a cup of that 'probably delicious' coffee.

  5. Kinda reminds me of that ole Columbian girlfriend.........

  6. I take it you have tungsten toilet bowls.

  7. Hurl city Glen! WTF?
