Friday, April 26, 2024

Cederq: The Early Years



  1. Yup, I got addicted at 7 years old and I still mainline it!

    1. I didn't start until I was 34 years old, freezing my ass off in a Calif. Natl. Guard fox hole at 2 or 3 in the morning. MRE's come with an accessory pack, salt, pepper, instant coffee, hot chocolate, powdered cream, gum, etc.
      So I boil up some water, dump in the chocolate, coffee, creamer, bam! Best thing ever!
      The cartoon covers my attitude about black coffee.

    2. You had hot water? Luxury!

      Ranger pudding is the best way to start the morning. Chocolate powder, sugar, powdered creamer, instant coffee, just enough water to mix it into a paste. Maybe a dash of Tabasco if you like that sort of thing.

    3. Yeah well the squaddies need all that because they burn up so many calories and they have no time because they are always so busy that they can't drink that crud separate. I'm surprised they don't throw their breakfast in there too and inhale it all at once, HAR HAR HAR!!! :)

  2. Oh gawd I love black coffee and a pipe first thing in the morn…

    1. As you are taking a royal Filthie dump? Coffee as a laxative, the pipe to hide the malodorous emanations wafting out the cracks around the Glen Outhouse.

  3. I had the exact same intro to Guinness.

    1. Well to be fair... Guinness is are far nicer drink to get addicted to.
      I think my inner alcoholic is coming out again. For the last two months I have been craving a couple bottles of Guienness.
