Friday, April 26, 2024

Feeling Your Age Yet, You Old Fart?


I think Bowie’s dead now, isn’t he? 

Neither of them ever really appealed to me as a zit-faced adolescent music connoisseur. I think that was a big part of her appeal as an artist, though: when confronted by her critics like me, her response was always the same: a nonchalant shrug, and “Who cares what you guys think?” To me she sounded like Minnie Mouse in toons like “Heart Of Glass”. David Bowie was an over-rated fag in my opinion. But he was the same as Debbie in that regard - he didn’t care what the critics thought either. I suppose I gotta respect that…If I were an artist I wouldn’t listen to a retard critic like me either! HAR HAR HAR! HAR HAR HAR!

Hell’s bells..she’s doing alright though, for an old broad. Maybe it’s because 
I am an old fart too…but I swear I can still see the pretty girl
that once posed with David Bowie.
My wife loved your music, Deb - and maybe even still does! I’ll
have to ask her. Her opinion is worth much more than mine in
matters of the heart, art, and music.


  1. The Name's PlisskenApril 26, 2024 at 1:03 PM

    Blondie and Bowie you can't go wrong.
    Blows away any of the audio turds going today.
    Jammed some Meters and Queens Of The Stone Age on Palookaville run for supplies.
    Seven foot tall black guy was showing his pimp hand on wifey as she asked for energy drinks and candy like a child, that is random shit we don't have the money for that, LMFAO!
    CA is back and the Shooters of Western Rifles!
    Esmeralda pulled up in her sporty mobile and Mr. Pee Pee started stirring.
    Laugh and have fun...while we still can.

    1. Just so, Snake. Even at their worst, those two were better than the crap we hear today…

  2. I will eventually die content in the knowledge that in an alternative universe, a sober, thirty-year old Debbie Harry feeds me sammiches for lunch. Then we nap in a hammock all afternoon before firing up the B-52 to fly Arc Light missions against various liberal bastions every night till the cows come home.

    CederQ has already been appointed target selection officer; now accepting applications for the positions of navigator, door gunner (ten required), distiller and press secretary. All crew members will be expected to rotate thru the bombardier position so that the fun may be shared equally. Who's in?

    1. I thought you only needed 3 door gunners.

    2. I have a nuclear powered Sawzall in that universe, so additional firing ports were easily provided.

    3. I would go, but trust me, you don’t want me there.
      I’ve been on flights that caught fire, had parts fall off and lost an engine. I like my feet on the ground. I’ll recommend that you search out P2 if he fails to comment. Expert airplane mechanic and years of experience keeping them flying in weather conditions most of you can’t imagine. Hell, even Filthy lives in a tropical climate compared to us.

  3. @ WWW,

    Yeee Haww!

  4. I want to be co-pilot too! So I can get some flight time in. Filthie can be flight engineer and can be the one to crawl out to the engines to give them a stub-fart whack for percussive maintenance.

    1. Out on the wing like that Twilight Zone episode with the Gremlin? Kinky. I like it.

  5. Blondie... Y'know how she picked up the name? She was obviously not a natural blonde. She got the color change and was walking through NYC. The construction workers on a building she passed, being New Yorkers and all, started wolf whistling at her and yelling HEY, BLONDIE!" The rest, as they say, is history...

    David Bowie... He had to have SOMETHING going for him, and it sure wasn't his smile!!!

    I have no problems listening to either of them...

  6. Icons of the early MTV era. Bowie jumped on the pop music train to make some money. She got naked in the movie Videodrome.
