Saturday, April 20, 2024

And Furthermore - One Last Word

Well we got all the camping junk out of the basement and are beginning to load up The Dawgmobile for departure. I hope to be done by !0:00am but with the wife and Niglet... it might be 12:00 noon! If it were just me going I'd be done in 15 minutes! 😡

I might be able to use the cell as a Hot Spot so may in fact be able to communicate while on safari, but... no promises. I got my pipe and cigar packed, and found a small mickey of Early Times sipping whisky at the back of the liquor cabinet. I got The World's Crankiest Generator going yesterday and will probly leave it running all weekend long just to get some hours on it. I'll probly dump the oil when I get home too. I'm just taking the .243 Ruger No.1 and the little Ruger American .223 bolt gun along. I have to dial in the 243 for the Great F-tard Class 300m event in the beginning of May... and I have some new reloads to try in the the little bolt gun. I am expecting a complete chit show with those but we'll see.

With Pop and the fambily gong show last summer I didn't get the camper out at all and it just sat. But now with Dad gone, and mom settling into the new situation... it's time to do some good stuff again. I can hardly wait. 

WDS left me a parting gift in the comments the other day that I have so generously decided to share with you! Don't thank me - just doing my usual crap-blooging for your edification and amuse- MINT. 

Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it Art!!!


How'd ya like to see this twerking on the hood of your Escalade, you
old farts? 


Years ago I tried to insert a new word into the modern lexicon of
the English language to address a relatively new aspect of neoliberal
society: morbid obesity. Unfortunately the term "gunt" never caught on.

At least, so far it hasn't caught on...

Behave yourselves and don't say anything rotten about me
in the comments!

Have a great weekend.




  1. Historic Jenkem CzarApril 20, 2024 at 7:53 AM

    Too much junk causes cottage cheese ass and Shananay needs to back away from the buffet.
    Enjoy the great outdoors.

  2. "When the cheese on your burger don't melt"
    - WDS
