Saturday, April 20, 2024


Oh those pesky Russians!!!

The stubfarts and tards are reporting that their mail-order
bride deliveries are all shot!
The Ukes are calling up their women and children now and
Sending them to the Russian front!


  1. Happy Hitler Day!
    Stock up on wymyns for the doomsday keep the species going.
    Today is the anniversary of Adolf stealing pink rabbit.

  2. Met a 25 year old blonde Lithuanian chick yesterday that I would have thrown over my shoulder like that yesterday. If only I was 30 years younger and single. She was a real smokeshow, 10 outta 10, slim, very pale, very blonde and extremely pleasant to have a conversation with. The comparison to regular western women here on the Camino was stark indeed.

  3. From this view, that seams to be a fine young lass. HE might be a bit tempermental.
