Thursday, March 14, 2024

Selective Amnesia

 I see Comrade Cow Cnut is outraged at her fellow socialist meat hole - His Holiness! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘ HAR HAR HAR!!! Well I gotta admit I am not impressed with His Eminence either and just leave it at that. In matters of faith I tend to tread lightly and trust my Maker rather than those that claim to speak for Him. But in this rare instance…the Pope is making sense. They have killed more people in this idiot’s war than all the Crusades put together.

I wonder about what comes next. Purple faced rage heads like Misfit can huff and blow. Fwance (a nation famous for its cowardice) can talk about widening the war and bringing in the other Usual Suspects with them… but it’s all over. This only ends one way - with all those idiots sitting around, staring stupidly at each other and wondering how they lost. Will they sort it out? And learn anything from it? I doubt it.

When the US bailed out of Afghanistan they handed everything right back to the Talibangers. 85 billion dollars worth of weapons left behind. Service dogs with the military were left behind, trapped in their crates without food or water. Hundreds of them. Guys like Misfit, Biden and so on…they should have looked at that and given a thought or two about this military of theirs, it’s leadership, and their own ideas about the world and the people in it. But no…the next Current Thing was in the Kraine, and they wanted blood! And by God, they would have it! They will probably forget the Ukrainian debacle the same way they forgot Afghanistan, Iraq and Viet Nam.  

I suppose it’s possible this time will be different. Before this started, the Russian bear was rather docile and dormant. All they wanted from us was some fair trade deals. Now? 5th strongest economy in the world. 3rd strongest currency. They are pumping out war materiel at 3 times the rate of ALL the countries in NATO. With western economies in steep decline, and some kind of economic collapse now inevitable…our guys will be getting their noses wiped in the puddles of their own stupidity.

The irony is almost at lethal levels, inninit? The current Pope finally says something his Master would probably approve of… and no one listens. 


  1. When dealing with narcissistic socio/psychopaths (meat sacks), you can't lower your expectations of their moral, ethical, operational, mindset/behavior enough.
    Too late to vote our way out, too early to shoot the bastards.

    1. I think it’s time to stretch necks and crack skulls, Mike. It’s only gonna get worse…

  2. Lots of Cunts out there still 'slava ing', but not willing to send their offspring to the meat grinder. These dickroots also want open borders, that is, until the enrichment takes an greasy turdeau on their door stoop, and then they become suspiciously quiet.

    Chutes Magoo


  4. They won't be happy until they FDR their way into WW-IV (or is it WW-V?). Obama famously told Mitt that the 80's called, they want their foreign policy back. Well, fuck, the 50's called, and the 60's, the 70's are still stoned, and they all want us dying for communism (either fighting it or electing it, can't figure out which).

  5. Emperor stumble bum poopy pants, sniffer of children (FJB) is leading the parade of idiots. Watch him drool!
