It surprises me. There are so many people that think there is still a “deal” to be had with the Ukraine. There are still morons talking about putting NATO and American troops on the ground in exchange for "minerals". There are people that are tut-tutting and accusing Blumpf and Vance of creating "bad optics" during that dog fight with Zelensky at the Whitehouse. So many people don’t understand the reality of our current day. When all is said and done, “optics” and “narratives” be damned - only truth and truisms apply. Money talks, and BS walks. The memes are all over Blab with pics of Zelensky leaving the Whitehouse, clad in his best Sunday sweats and a surly expression of resignation on his face.
I was a modest business man once upon a time. I forged partnerships and agreements with customers, and I watched most of them torn to pieces by either our management or theirs. I’ve been in the meetings that went much like that dog and pony show in the Whitehouse the other day. When meetings go like that, things are said that can’t be taken back. Words are much like bullets - once they’re sent… there’s no coming back. The Uke ambassador was seen with her head in her hands, doing the face/palm thing for a reason. That was no mere “set back” - that was a notice of divorce, if not an outright declaration of war. Her job had now become impossible and she knew it.
Consider “a deal” - most of the minerals Zelenskyy is offering to trade - are on lands currently occupied by Russia. At the moment those territories are held by anywhere from 750,000 to 850,000 entrenched Russian troops. Troops that have established air superiority, and strongly defended supply lines. This is not ‘rootin’ for Putin, they are facts that are a matter of public record. To dislodge them, a similar number of heavily armed squaddies would be needed. The fighting would be done right on Russia’s front doorstep. To even get NATO and American troops to the theatre would involve death tolls and attrition rates that would dwarf those required for Iwo Jima or Okinawa or D-Day. The Russians, operating under incredible restraint - have killed over one million Ukrainian squaddies. If we piss them off, the gloves would come off and it would not be unreasonable to estimate a similar loss for America or NATO were they to try them. No, the Russians are NOT going to run out of supplies or ammunition, no, they are NOT drunken thugs with poor training and equipment, no they are NOT poorly equipped and motivated. Sometime back, I poosted a pic of their squaddies that did a good job of framing their state of mind and readiness: a couple squaddies were reclining in a snow drift, catching an impromptu game of chess while the snow swirled around them and the chess board. These were fighting men in good spirits, ready to go with merely a word.
Contrast that with us: the US military is INFESTED with faggots, troons, and incompetent girl bosses and connected neocon and neoliberal fart catchers embedded like ticks in the chain of command. The military/industrial complex is similarly pozzed, with no ability to ramp up wartime production levels in a reasonable amount of time. Things are so bad that recruiting has fallen off a cliff, and serious, blooded squaddies are bailing out rather than fighting pointless wars for an uncaring cabal of international jewry, banksters and money launderers. The idea that the guys that orchestrated the surrender in Afghanistan - could ostensibly face off with the Russians is laughable. It will probably take a decade for a determined administration to clean up a mess like that. America’s allies (like us in Canada) are in even worse shape.
It was an understatement when Blumpf told the Ukrainian Midget that he didn’t have the cards. Zelensky doesn’t have ANY cards… and quite honestly, at best, NATO has a very, very weak hand.
It’s so bad, we need to kick off an appropriate betting pool! Already efforts to impeach the Penis Pianist are underway in the Kraine. So - how long until Zelensky and his gang disappear with their stolen millions? Or they get dispatched by their own people?
Only one thing is sure… the road between us has finally parted.
The uro peons with canuckistan holding hands have no solid viable militaries, no war production industry to support projection and idiot poleetishuns!
ReplyDeleteMan power is nonexistent and can only be replenished with an draft that may be avoided by the unfortunates until they are dragged off their streets like the ukees do. If that shit comes here there will be blood!
Chutes Magoo
"Every Single Time". Wash, rinse, repeat.
ReplyDeleteUkraines Evil (THEM) Leaders Suck!
The population of Ukraine in 2025 is projected to be 38,980,376
Ukrainian Jewish population percentage according to the latest data available from 2013, the percentage of people practicing Judaism in Ukraine is 0.5%. Based on this percentage, the estimated Jewish population in Ukraine is around 194,902 people.
History of the Jews in Ukraine
This population is a minuscule 0.5% of the Ukrainian population yet are vastly over represented at the head of the death class politicians destroying the country.
Zelensky Must go!
The real truth needs to be shared far and wide
Kidnapped, Shanghai’d etc.
This is how Zelensky replenishes their military because his military white Christian soldiers have all been murdered / cleansed.
Our failure here has been so finely tuned over so long a period that it's hard to imagine that it was not engineered.
ReplyDeleteFirst, we force Russia to become independant of the west and the dollar through sanctions and outright confiscation. They have all the resources they need, including intelligent and innovative people. Given no choice, they stepped up, and began rebuilding their manufacturing.
Then we get Ukraine to start bombing russians in eastern Ukraine, to draw them into a war of attrition, just like poland did to germans in northern poland (given to poland after WWI).
Then we get the entire west, to disarm themselves by giving everything they have to Ukraine... so now the Russians turn they newly developed production to producing war. The west doesn't ramp up their production, they just disarm themselves, shipping it all to Ukraine.
Now there's war. Both sides are getting valuable experience, and getting better at it..... but one side gets all their exerienced fighters killed, the other rotates them through, and develops a combat hardened military... all while ramping up production and innovations like oreshnik, drones, signals jamming.
Russia's supply line to Ukraine is trivial. Their supplies are now nearly endless, their armies are experienced and growing. THE US DID THAT. This is not what Russia wanted to do. They were not given a choice. NATO made it clear, in writing, that they intended to chop russia up into dozens of pieces.
I strongly suspect that *someone* has intentionally build up Russia, and destroyed the west. Either way, that is what has happened.
the war could come to the US in many ways but never from ground troops from another country.
Deleteas far as troops go, we have by far the largest standing army in the world, many millions of Americans with many more millions of arms and trillions of rounds of ammo in stock at our disposal, we hunt for fun and recreation.
and never forget that we have Cajuns and Rednecks in abundance.
the word will go out that the commies taste good, the limit is one and the season ended yesterday.
none will be left to be found within a week. : )
Those troops are not the US military, they are the US "militia", which is not sworn, nor under established chain of command. It may be unique to the US, due to the 2nd Amdmt being unique. Those troops are clearly available for defense of our home land, but they are not ness. available for offense, or "preemtive" defense overseas. They will defend themselves, their families, and their country, but not nessesarily their government.