Wish I could find it.
There was a rude joke on Blab about how a gaggle of
Democrats looked like the supervillains gathering to
eliminate Batman.
Canadian politics are even WORSE right now, if you can believe it. Pardon my fwench - but it makes me fucken crazy. I can’t even stand to listen to our faggot faced prime minister talk anymore. This talk of trade war makes me gobble, cluck and froth with rage… and that’s not good. I just gave General Aesop shit for doing that - and here I am doing it too! Ughhh! There’s a bit in the Bible about tending to the splinter in your brother’s eye whilst there’s a great, big rainbow coloured dildo firmly lodged in your own.
My problem is I’ve been housebound because of some temporary mobility problems. I’ve spent too much time in the house, and on the net…and crazy is contagious. I’m starting to loosen up and move again though. I started drinking WD40 highballs with Winchester Red Dot sprinkles… and my rusty joints are beginning to creak and work. Not only that, my pooh no longer clogs the toilet and I can fart loud enough to wake JL up in his squad car 20 miles away! HAR HAR HAR!!! Home remedies RULE.
I apologize for the politicalization recently, and will endeavour to return to our usual blogging standards.
But that is all for later… now that I can move again, all The Niglet wants to do is walk in the pre-spring sunshine. As for our politicos… Batman will have to handle them himself, I’m afraid. I will still bitch about politics but try to make it more worthwhile when I do.
As a friend recently advised … dont let these freaks steal your inner peace. Keep an eye on them, keep your sidearms loose in their holsters … but by no means let them ruin your day.
In similar vein
Batman one