Thursday, March 6, 2025

Agent Filthie: Spycraft

 When I was a kid I had everything I needed for covert operations: I had the decoder rings, the Official MI6 Slidewhistle, an array of cap and water guns… and even some dead walkie talkies. When they worked I think they had a range of ten feet.

I used to idolize 007 too. Gawd - I loved the gadgets. The missile firing gyrocopter, the sportscar with ejection seats, the laser beam watches…ugggghhh.  Nowadays Bond is an emo faggot. I saw a rude pic of him on Blab on a scooter with his goat faced black girlfriend. He was on the bitch seat.


But back in the day… some of this stuff was real.

It’s an old Soviet camera ring, circa 1965.
Today the video cameras on my crapcopter drones 
are smaller than that…


  1. Recently I bought the Kidlet a toy camera for $10USD.

    It has the same specs as my first serious digital camera that then cost me about as much as a new pistol.

  2. Yes yes, but did you have Pussy Galore?

    1. No.

      But down the street was Gwen G. As a child she was cute as a button and sometimes she would play with me. She was a year older than me (which is an eternity at that age).

      The last I saw of her was in junior high school. One of those girls that could put on make up and pass for a 20 year old at 13…

      She got into drugs and men and I lost track of her ages ago. Funny, the memories that get dragged up by the damnedest things. I never did grow up… and she grew up far, far too fast…

  3. I liked 007 and read the entire collection. Originally Bond carried a .25 calibre Beretta, which is what my uncle carried in WWII while he helped organize the French resistance.

    I didn't care for the films, as they weren't true to the books. I did, however, build the model of 007's Aston Martin, complete with functional ejector seat.

    The various devices that were used to one extent or another are on display in various museums. My favorite is a .45 pistol mounted on a winter weight leather glove. The trigger is a telescoping rod which can be extended past the user's knuckles, putting a real slug into your sucker punch. They also had guns built into cigarette packs, Zippo lighters, and of all things, your shoes.

    - Mad Jack
