Sunday, February 16, 2025

YOU Let Them Do It!!!


These people make me wanna scream. Yes - they’re sick bastards, they’re evil and they deserve to be shot, some of them. 

But the fact remains - in this day and age the Covid scam should have been impossible. Anyone with a junior high level understanding of Pasteurization and vaccines should have seen through this scam as it was setting up. The doctors certainly DID see through it - but went along anyway because it meant time off and more $$$$ if they played ball. None of our politicos should have stood for it for one second… but they played along too.

Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid, and more painful when. And it should be that way too…


  1. The idiots who laughed at me from the beginning continue to act like they were right.

    1. yeah, know that feeling. I used to ask them where are all of these bodies they keep talking about ?
      anyway, I went NBC training with Sam many years ago.
      and I knew a paper mask was not going to stop a level 4 virus no matter how often they said it would.
      so, yeah. I knew they where full of shit too.
      stay 6 feet apart was bullshit too.
      then again, I was working in the medical field back in the 1980's when the evil little prick was killing off the AIDs patients with some failed chemo drug too.
      that was a sweet deal for him as well, he got massive bucks from congress to stop (he didn't) and he made money off the selling of a failed drug by big pharma.
      shooting that prick is way too good for him. he has to feel the pain he has brought on others.

  2. The doctors went along with it because they were told that the state would jerk their license to practice if they didn't. So they would be left with up-to $1,000,000 USD of student debt and no way to service it.

    The AVERAGE student debt for an M.D. in the US is $200k and it is more if they went to a prestige school or specialized in certain fields (like dermatology, plastic surgery).
