Monday, February 24, 2025

The KING Of All Lever Guns


Gawd - sinning goes along as it always has. Somebody has a lever gun out now that feeds from AR mags. Not that there's anything wrong with feeding from a mag... I think they were selling these in some oddball calibre 100 years ago - 405 Win? I can't remember. I foolishly talked myself out of the 1895 lever gun... and then later, foolishly talked myself INTO an 1876 Winchester repro chambered in .45-75 bottleneck. It has been a joy though. Brass for it is insanely rare and you can make it ... but it is a PITA. I have about 300 pieces of brass and I hoard them like a mizer.

Wonder what .405 amm is like?

I put a vernier tang sight on mine and had a ball with it. If I had it to do again though... I think I would have gone with the 1895...

1 comment:

  1. Between the 95 Winchester and the 99 Savage, carry them 50 yards, and you'll leave the Win at home. The 99 carries like it was built for the hunt. Plus you can scope a 99 easily. I think you have to gunsmith the 95.
    The 99 in 308 will do aught six work, below 180 grains.
    I think the 95 was best known for the aught six. Both nice, but 95 is way over priced.
