Sunday, February 2, 2025

Take THAT, Blumpf!!!

He will stand stronk!!! For CANADA!!!

I think ol’ Faggot Face here finally has enough rope to hang himself with…but whadda I know? He’s going to either fold like a cheap tent or he’s going to get shot… most likely by his own people! HAR HAR HAR! 

He’s calling for a boycott on US goods too and as far as I’m concerned …. fuck him. As an Albertan I have more in common with folks from Texas and Montana than I do with the liberal faggotry out east, but that’s just me. There’s a LOT of anti-American sentiment up here in Canada - queers, old greasy boomer shitlibs, angry female rage heads, welfare slobs, union slobs … and demographically speaking, the further east ya go, the worse it gets. Most of those people are so retarded that it doesn’t matter how much they f*** around… they’ll NEVER actually find out, no matter how hard Darwin, Murphy and God shit on them. When the consequences come calling it’s all someone else’s fault. That’s why victim politics play so well to them. It’s how we got this sparkle socked fwench poltroon as a leader in the first place.

We’ll see I suppose, when we have a 50 cent dollar, 40% unemployment and soup kitchens and flop houses. Hopefully he’ll get shot or turfed first… but… this IS Canada so anything’s possible.

Welp… it’s -28C here, and I better get my hobo stick, and join Exile, JL and all the other Canucki bums. Like my grandad, we’ll soon be be riding on top of the trains from town to town looking for any work and/or handouts that ain’t locked when no one’s around… Remember to be generous when we come calling!

Sing along everyone!
Follow the bouncing ball!


I’m beyond getting spun up by Canadiana politics. You all have yourselves a great day - and thanks for stopping by. If anyone needs me… I’ll be pushing a broom…



  1. Filthie
    Did you see that Calgary has had a rash of home invasions in the last 2 months. They even started shooting home owners as the open their doors. One victim eas on the radio talking about her ordeal. They cut her off when she said the invaders were immigrants and only 1 spoke english. Turdeaus gift


  2. Justin Trudeau gets the smug look wiped off his face.
    REPORTER: When did you first learn that President Trump intends to increase tariffs if Canada retaliates and how had that changed your strategy?
    Trudeau: (Oh sh*t, did she say that?) Ummmmm... we are not looking to escalate.
    Just leave Justin, you've screwed Canada over enough already!


  3. "Careful Trudeau. The Texas economy is larger than Canada’s. And we’re not afraid to use it," Abbott warned, chastising him. Trudeau doesn't know about the concept "Don't mess with Texas." But he may be about to find out.
    That's the bottom line here: There is no winning move here for poor Justin. He can only end up caving, and he's already supposed to be on his way out of his job, having already prospectively resigned because he's been such a failure. Yet he seems to be determined to cause Canada more trouble on his way out the door.

  4. I'll be the guy with a dust bin...

  5. YES! I knew if anyone else would get it, it'd be you. This crap is going to be EXACTLY why we'll be stuck with 4 more years of liberal bullshit up here.

    Because you just KNOW, whenever we finally do get an election up here, Mark Carney and those assholes will paint Smol PP and the CPC as Canadian MAGA. It'll work like a charm, too, because the majority of Canadians are fucking retards who are absolutely mortified of Donald Trump. It won't matter what Trudeau and the goddam liberals have done over the past decade. The legions of cowards and idiots in Canada will vote liberal because 'sCaRy MAGA', and over. I predict Carney will score at least a minority government, compliments of the usual gang of idiots.

    I sure hope I'm wrong but I simply cannot place that much faith in the Canadian people...especially those in the east.
