Friday, February 21, 2025

Sage Advice From Your Elders

When a retarded stubfart tells ya to follow him for more useful advice - don’t do it!!!
When it comes to angry women your fate is in the hands of
The harpies furies…as we all know…Hell hath no fury.

I am one of only 6 men in the world today with a happy,
functional marriage. I am at a loss to explain this. It literally somehow
survived against impossible odds.

Perhaps it is that the world seeks to crush the magical and


  1. I work with a lot of guys and hearing the horror stories of their marriages makes me happy for my positive marriage. I tell my wife often that i'm glad she is sane.


  2. It helps when both of you are COMMITED. And no, NOT committed to the FUNNY FARM!

  3. Hit 50 years this summer. I still see her 20 year old face when I look at her.

  4. One of six, eh? Well I claim spot #2 then. It'll be forty years, next May 4th.

  5. Won't lie, we've had some rough years and serious talks about divorce in the past. But after 30 years, I think we're both scared shitless of the current dating market, we're used to each other, and too fucking tired most evenings to fight. I guess that counts toward putting the work into a marriage, right? Still, we're better together than apart.
