Thursday, February 6, 2025


The problem with small dolls (or action figures) is the clothing. Fabric doesn’t work right on small scales and won’t hang properly. Getting the details right on that scale is tough too. There is a chick in the UK that makes a fortune off the hardcore RC airplane modellers by selling small detailed scale pilot figures. The flight suits look right, the zippers, pockets, gloves… all the small details are there and they’re perfect. Nothing less will do for the serious old stubfart modeller doing a build of a lifetime. 

Of course none of this kind of effort is wasted on the kids. Why should it? Details are something stupid adults can waste their time with; for kids, play is work and they take it very seriously. 

I think most of these get sold to adults who set them up on a shelf somewhere as curios and displays. They look pretty cool too. I’d never shell out the coin for those things (the ones I saw 15 years ago were going for close to $200.00) - but I can see why others do. 

Life is hard for us, men. But as Red Greene says … ya can’t stay young, but ya can always be immature.


  1. Bah, your childhood weapons were passe! I had a two by four with a nail sticking out for a trigger! Didn't really look that much like a gun, but when you got butt-stroked by you, you felt it. My prick cousin showed me that. Still have the scar.

  2. Yeah, 74 today, going on...23? That may be stretching it a bit. If you were to ask the wifey, you'ld get the raised eyebrow, tilted head, "Ya think?" look. She's a saint...or somethin'.

  3. I make fart jokes to my wife every day. Is that mature? No. Is that funny. She doesn't think so. Will I stop? NEVER.
