Tuesday, January 28, 2025

When We Were Kings


The chinks that ran the little store down the street took bottles.
They were horrible cheats
but I didn’t care. I was too young to do math,
all I cared about was shiny nickels, dimes, comic books and bubble gum.


  1. Would it kill you to say "Chinese" instead of "Chink"?

    1. You must be new here.

    2. Ha!

      Where are you from, Minnesota?

      Sure, we'd collect bottles. There was a nice man and wife who owned a small grocery on the corner, and we'd turn the bottles in there. He was in a wheelchair and used to sit in front of the store in good weather. It was rumored he packed a .38 in a shoulder rig, which was likely true. One summer day he showed us how to break a Popsicle in half lengthwise and even-steven, so we each got half.

      The only straight money Chinese I ever knew was my Tai Chi instructor and his wife. He was quite wealthy and taught Tai Chi to pass the skills and philosophy along.

    3. Who knows? It just might kill him. Do you want Glen’s death on your conscience?
      How can you be so heartless? 🤨

      Also, you (y’all) should know that “yang gui-ze” doesn’t really translate to “foreign devil”. The individual words are ocean and ghost. But the actual meaning, the proper idiomatic translation, is “asshole from across the ocean.” (And Chinese are not shy about referring to negroes as monkeys. Believe me, the Chinese are the second most bigoted people on earth.)

  2. If you are. You are old enough to remember that plastics were sold to the world as the newest wonderment that would free everyone from those unsightly mounds of cardboard, wood and tin that plagued society... Seems they forgot about letting everyone know about the plastic garbage patches in the oceans and the micro plastics that threaten everyone's health.

    1. True that. On the plus side, it cut down on broken glass on the street. But there's two sides to every quarter.

  3. Yes I did. Saved up and bought my first mini-bike from the bottle returns.

  4. OH YEAH! Was still doing in high school.

  5. Y'know, I've talked about this two or three times in the last few days. All this "green" talk, and no one's brought up the possibility of going back to returnable, reusable GLASS bottles. Funny; my friends and I grew up returning bottles for cash. The proceeds would usually go towards buying a new baseball, hockey puck, or fishing bait. Add to that, almost EVERY container was either made to be used for something else after the original contents were gone. Log Cabin syrup came in a cabin-shaped bottle that was a penny bank when empty. It actually had a slot molded into the roof of it for that purpose. Jelly jars saw second lives as juice glasses. Baby food jars became small parts storage. Margarine cups were po'folks Tupperware. Somehow though, us "Boomers" ruined the world...

    1. Damn, when I got married (at age 29), I had a whole kitchen cabinet full of jelly jar glasses. Those were the only glasses I actually owned. My new bride threw them all away (they were "tacky") and then proceeded to use my checking account to go buy new store-bought glasses. And then fucking put them in a special cabinet to only use during special functions. For regular everyday drinking we got red plastic cups. That was 30 years ago and I'm still pissed.

  6. Yep, i did. Poor MS kid.

  7. Quite different and refreshing compared to When De's Beez Kangz..
    “You Know Who I Am?” — Entitled Democrat NJ Councilman Curses at Cop and Tries to Use His Position to Dodge Ticket After Traffic Stop https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/you-know-who-i-am-entitled-democrat-nj/
    Entitled Joggers should NEVER be in ANY position of power.

  8. Did it all the time as a kid. Construction sites were the best. That's where I found my first pack of cigarettes. Started smoking at 9. Took me 40 years to break that habit. At 72 I still dream I started again.
