Well the chinooking continues up here at Castello Di La Filthie. On the weekend Mom broke one of her prized ceramic figurines and ordered the wife and I over to glue it up and fix it. She's trying to be civil but good lord - I think I have decided to murder her again. She lives in an affluent white retirement community here in the Park - all old grey hairs and seniors, with three car garages, huge houses, sportscars, RV's... and the old bitch is on speaking terms with most of them, thankfully. But a few doors down and around the corner - there's three homes that caught fire back in the summer because some old stubfart decided to take a flame thrower to the weeds in his back yard, the grass was parched and dry... and Darwin and Murphy decided to drop in. His house burned to the ground and was a write-off. The neighbour on one side caught fire but was able to rebuild... but the guy on the other side was burned out and caught in limbo as his insurance tried to evade the payout. I guess eventually that got settled one way or the other - and the demolition guys moved in and started knocking down the wreckage and carting it off to the dump so they could clear the site and begin a rebuild. But - Mom had some issues with it (because of course she did) - and she phones up her buddies and biddies at the county and asks if they had a permit to knock the wreckage down? She was quite proud of herself, as if it were up to her to make sure the t's got crossed and the i's got dotted. "Why are you even getting in the middle of that, you cunned stunt?" I wanted to ask. Why would someone want to get in the middle of something like that and stir up shit? I have met others like that too - always carefully watching their neighbors and trying to get them in trouble. "Your dawg barks too much!!! You can't park your RV in front of your house longer than 24 hours!!! Your car sprung a leak and now there's a big oily patch on the street! I'm calling the cops! I'm calling bylaw enforcement!!!" Gawd... I HATE people like that. Mind your own bloody business!
The issue now is making sure Mom's death is as painful and inhumane as possible... while making it look like an accident. Either that, or I am going to have to learn to live with Mom's "senior moments". Gawddammit... I have enough of those of my own to deal with...
All the hot air and chinooking going on round here has made the bloody sidewalks and streets a friggin curling rink. The other day JL came down the street in his patrol car... slowly doing 360s. He passed by at about 3 kph, spinning as he went, gobbling in hysterical fright and looking about - totally out of control! He went past my house and somehow got round the corner and I just laughed.
Sure - it's funny when it's happening to somebody else... but I gotta think of Number One too. What happens if I slip on it and fall on the Niglet? I gotta get the damned ice off the sidewalks. I suppose it might be a laff riot if I did it too, but there are a few elderly folks around here too for whom falls are serious business.
Ever see those flimsy cheap sidewalk ice scrapers? They're built by faggots, to be used by faggots!!! I can bend and mangle those things with a dirty look! That isn't sidewalk scraper! THIS is a sidewalk scraper:
Yeah, baby... ya like that eh? The blade is heavy steel. Plenty strong enough if ya want to be a caveman and try and chip the ice away. But what I do is I first rot the ice with salt. A few light strokes with the chipper... and then I can get in underneath it and easily lever the ice up in great big chunks and sheets! If ya stay on top of it any subsequent ice formation can be easily scraped away. Just be sure to throw it out on the street because the ice is contaminated with salt and it can be hard on the grass in spring.
The problem I got is the handle separated after years of use and abuse.I can fit a new handle on axes and tools easy enough... but... these guys? Hrrrrmmmmm... can ya wedge them the same way ya do when you're hanging an axe head? I've never really had to worry about it before. I suppose I should, I buy top quality shovels and such but it's only a matter of time before they need a new handle too.. Will epoxy hold them? If you've ever had to do it... any tips you have will be sincerely appreciated.
FFS. Looks like CFB Stubfart Airfield is in the soup AGAIN. It never ends. I officially give up on them. First, the neurotic Velcro Shoe Gang closed the club down for Covid. A year and a half later Transport Canada came out with all kinds of bureaucratic regs, licensing fees, insurance and bullshit to make the hobby even more expensive and less fun and they closed for a year too sort that out. I partially complied with it because I had to in order to fly there. Now… the county decided that the airfield resides in a new environMINTal wetlands area, and they gave the club two weeks to pack up their shit, and get the hell gone. So…I’m done. Fuck the bureaucracy, fuck the envirotards, fuck the politicians. I’m going to fly wherever I can find a place to do it safely - no humans or livestock around - and just fly rogue. Finding a place to fly my noisy gassers might be a problem but my relatively quiet crapcopters can be flown pretty much anywhere.
Flapz and a lot of the others are doing the same now. Flapz dug around in his plunder and found a big quad he never got to fly. He gave it to me and now I’ve gotta get it ready to go for him. I need to plug it into the computer, configure the flight controller, make sure all the inputs are received, make sure all the props spin the right way, zero the gyros, make sure it arms and disarms, blah blah blah. That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting the fuggin computer to talk to the flight controller, getting the ESC’s to talk to the flight controller and then get all of them to talk to the radio. I dunno if the FC is even compatible with Betaflight, my computer is on windows 10, and I haven’t even tried to set up BLheli yet. I dunno if I can get the virtual com port software loaded either! Yesterday I ripped what hair was left of my thinning scalp out by the roots and got nowhere. Regardless… I WILL win! But for now… the big Supersportster build will go on hold. It’s really a shame what the Nanny State is doing to Canada. The big things are rage inducing… but the little ones are too. We’re gonna end up like California where retarded old women run the show, everything except criminality is illegal and it won’t stop until it all burns to the ground.
Whatever. For me… I’m gonna do what I gotta do. And what I wanna do. I’d encourage y’all to do the same!
Cheers! And - thanks for dropping in.
You can apparently fly over New Jersey without blowback. Paint a Chinese flag on it and find a US airbase to fly over, shouldn't get bothered.
ReplyDeleteYep. The things sold as “ice scrapers” are pretty much useless. I use a floor scraper sold as a tool for removing linoleum. Works a treat on New England ice.
ReplyDeleteGood advice. The police make sure all the little people follow the rules that the ruling class do not. They enjoy it having always been bullies at heart.
ReplyDeleteTemps supposed to get -30 this weekend.
For that Ice Chipper: Drill a 1/4 inch hole through the sleeve near the top at 90 degrees off the seam, with the handle in place. Add appropriate bolt/nut/washer assy and torque it down. Got a couple rakes and an old shovel that have held up for years with that band-aid.
ReplyDeleteRoger that^^^. I have an old belt sander that I use the back side of to taper/shape handles for rakes, pitch forks, hand tool handles, everything. I also use rasps and files where called for. Don't forget the screw or bolt.