Thursday, January 9, 2025

Poost Cards From Russia


General Aesop no longer talks to me (can’t imagine why) - which why he’s always wrong when he’s beaking off about the Russia-‘Kraine conflict. California is famous for their hot house froots n’ nuts and such men are no match for warriors born and bred for subarctic warfare. Neither are Our Greatest Friends And Allies who - along with Californians like Pedo Joe - call the shots. As we speak there’s about 800,000 Russians in the ‘Kraine, relaxing in the snow, smoking, drinking, chatting and passing the time as they wait for orders to march west. They can go as far as their supply lines will hold too, with nothing to stop them.

Unlike Californian and Establishment clowns, I see that at least our rat faced allies are seeing the writing on the wall, and that they’re ready to concede the game. Via Art Sido…

According to Bob Kagan … it’s all Blumpfff’s fault! HAR HAR HAR! 😂👍 Say what ya want about Russian chess…at least they’ll play the game by the rules and you’ll have a sporting chance. In jewish chess, the joo is the only one allowed to move on the board, everyone loses and it’s all your fault when it does! Can’t wait to see how Orange Man Bad deals with this.

So this is 2025, eh? The Russians are playing chess, the joos are playing dirty, the Establishment clowns are playing Hungry Hungry Hippos and Biden’s playing with himself. Hopefully Blumpf can turn things around.

We should turn over everything to the kids. They know how to play games.


  1. I see some fine hats in those photos!

  2. Russia is experiencing quite the uptick in Westerners applying for citizenship. Talented, intelligent people, not street shitters.

    1. Yep, people want a future for themselves…

  3. F Kagan and his murderous cunt wife Newland ie Nudleman both evil Satanic you know who's.

  4. Epic Adam Carolla rant from a hotel after the LA wildfires forced to evacuate from his home, where he predicts Hollywood leftists will be so frustrated by the rebuild effort that they will not vote Democrat:
    "You guys all voted for Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles. You all voted for Gavin Newsom, and now you fucking get what you get. now that your house is on fire.
    So here's what's going to happen. All these people who are deep blue Democrats are now going to have to pull a permit to rebuild, and they're going to get the 28 year old bitch from the Coastal Commission telling them to go fuck off and then they're going to vote for Trump or whoever's Trumpian next.
    When they start getting the regulation, they're going to go nuts. And when they start running into the bureaucracy and the red tape, they're going to start going nuts and they're going to vote for Rick Caruso next time.
    They're going to find out they're going to get bit by their own snake. They're going to convert. I am telling you, these are the bluest people on the planet and they're going to be fucking rip shit pissed when the City and the Coastal Commission tell them to fuck off.
    We're going to have to restructure the whole thing because we can't have nine angry lesbians controlling everything that goes on in Malibu, the Palisades and Santa Monica."
    This is why Californians pay the highest taxes: So that their government can completely fail them in their time of need.

  5. California deserves what it is getting by hiring Dyke Nigtards and putting them in a position that requires intelligence.

  6. Yeah, um.. Kagan. Married to Nuland. Am I the only one who sees the irony here?

  7. why compliment ee the sop by calling him a general? general know it all. general lay about. general dimwit. general pompous jerk…

    Bible says sth about those that call themselves wise. or that think too highly of themselves. or how fag pride goeth before the fall.

    ps- he was mostly wrong on the who flew also.
