Wednesday, January 8, 2025

I’m Gonna Fuggin Say It!

I don’t care if I get kilt or beaten to a bloody green pulp! DO YOUR WORST! 

If I saw some fag running around in a hat
like that - I’m gonna shoot him twice!

That is a hat for an old Scottish Gran. And even she’s pushing her luck wearing that! And berets are gay too. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!! 


  1. Looks like a Scottish Balmoral but I thought we got the Scot-Irish and you got the Fwench.

    Now tell us how you feel about kilts.

  2. Is no one going to say it? How did Barack Hussein and Jimmy Carter have a gay love child in the 1940s.

  3. Lol, berets are gay, hot and inconvenient, Ive earned three from two different services. But, when it is shaved, folded properly, worn properly and shaped properly and your uniform is tight and right, in garrison it looks sharp. Ill take a shaped boonie cap all day though. Friggin General "Shitseki" gave the Army all black Ranger berets in 2001 and we had to suffer decades of fat ass terds wearing them like the f'in pillsbury doughboy, yeah it took the elite out of an earned beret, but that was the point. Friggin brits man wearing them in battle, WTF?

  4. Trudeau Government’s Quiet Push for Vaccine Passports: Plot To Integrate into Digital ID Revealed
    Government documents reveal the quiet expansion of vaccine passports into a framework for nationwide digital IDs.
