Saturday, January 11, 2025

Breakfast With WL On Safari: Swank Campcraft


As the Camp Cook, Elephant Skinner and Outdoor Plumber it’s my job to get up at the crack of dawn and make sure all my hunters are ready for a day afield! WL starts with a BIG drink of Gin, Cederq with a chocomoco-cinnamon sprinkle latté, tea for Chutes and BP, Metamucil for Don and Mike… and for yours truly - Folgers, black and dirty … just like the lower camp servants! 


Of course… that stove would get chucked into the quicksand pit! Discerning chefs like myself will not settle for substandard equipment! The Jet Boil remains the undisputed king of all the compact camp stoves.


  1. Jet Berls def have their spot in Camps that are of an non tactical nature, but when silence is the rule, the pump up Colemans from the dreamtime are the standard!

    Chutes Magoo
