Thursday, December 12, 2024

Trade War

Now you eeeeevil American capitalist pig dogs have done it!!! Looks like we’re gonna have us a good ol’ fashioned trade war!


So… I’m sitting here looking at the players in this little drama. On your side: Blumpf, Elon, Tulsi, RFK…and all their people under them are successful heavy hitters and accomplished ramrods with histories of overcoming impossible odds and getting things done.

On ours side: Prime Minister Faggot Face, Jagmeet The Pajeet, Fat Doug Ford… and their armies of unelected fart catchers, establishment hacks and fixture, none of whom ever held a real job. Turdo and Pajeet would be in jail were they not protected by the establishment. None of them have ever accomplished anything of note except draw a bloated paycheque….

Of course the proper response to this is simple. Yes, we need to tend to our borders - for our sake as well as the Americans. Yes, we need to deal with trade imbalances. ALL of them. Again - for our sake. Trump is exactly right, if the only way we can survive is by relying on scams and crooked dealing… that is no survival strategy at all! It’s all fun and games until a Blumpf or a Putler comes along and starts acting in his own self interest the same way you do. Then it’s game over. These are the same guys that tried to sanction Russia and wants to give my guns to the Kraine despite the fact that war was list a year ago. Hell, it was list before it even started.

But…Canadians voat for guys like this. They’ll never have the smarts to see that a trump isn’t the bad guy in all this. They’re too dumb to realize it’d be far, far cheaper and more beneficial to play ball rather than start a trade war.

But who knows? If this thing gets out of hand… enough Canadians will get hit by the consequences of their voting habits and might start taking elections and politics seriously….? Hey - it could happen!


  1. I keep saying nothing will change until everyone has to take an bite of the shit hoagie. Elections are for the ignorant believing their voat will make the difference, while every cycle things get worse. Now the turd™ is in panic mode, wants to take the guns by force, not understanding that an full blown revolution is just round the corner. The police don't have the ability to enforce squat. Treason right under their noses and nothing, corruption at every level in .gov and nothing but the pay is good until it isn't. Don't even get me started on the CAF...super clowns! WAKE THE FUCK UP! Tribe up, train and never give up the gatts. It's near 'pins out' have been warned.

    Chutes Magoo

    1. I say we need to break Canada up. It doesn’t work anymore, and has been failing for a long, long time…

  2. This is some wild and crazy shit here Filthie. AI creates a take off of Breaking Bad.

    1. Oh gawd that’s AWESOME!πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

    2. Will send you the good ones when I find em. Thank you for all you do. You are greatly appreciated brother! DG

  3. "Hey-it could happen!" Uh...sure it could. You can still make to the South, if you don't say dekkal (like speckle) for deeckal (decal) or zed for Z (as in whee). Even though I'm tolerant, others would look at you with that quizzical ,WTF? look. I know, it's not your fault, you were born that way.
