Thursday, December 12, 2024

One Fine Day At CFB Stubfart



How do ya even DO something like that…?


  1. Good action! That's what happens when you're busy dreaming about men in polyester pants. Sort'a like watching golf.

  2. Poor buggers . . . Both the pilot & the fall guy. Talk about scarred for life. I fly drones and this is nightmare fuel. Once had a Phantom battery fail without any warning and the fucker fell from 120 m like a house brick. Shattered a roof tile.would have killed anyone under it. Taught me an invaluable lesson I will never forget.

  3. Happened once at a CONTROL LINE CONTEST I was at. THAT... was just INSANE. Fortunately it was not a dead center hit and the wing hit the "pedestrian"... still, not something that was pleasant!
