Friday, December 27, 2024

Oh, So That’s What It Was


I do not believe in the occult. If demons and spirits walk the earth…I’ve never seen them.

Except… maybe once…?

We were driving home from the farm years ago when we were kids a mile down the road in pea soup fog. In the headlights … the density of the fog changed at the whim of ambient breezes and thermals. We came abruptly into a small bubble of clarity up at the stop sign. About 75 yards away the fog abruptly swirled as if something were moving in it… and for a second organic shapes formed in the mist, light and shadow as if something were trying to materialize or come out of the fog itself. 

I thought my eyes were playing tricks but the wife saw it too. We had to drive through that mist to go home and it was slow, creepy business. I saw it again about a year later on the motorcycle one summer night.

Fog monsters…? 


  1. I don't think they mind whether you believe in them or not. (((Their))) nefarious activities will continue. Satan's area of operations encompass spiritual to the material. Spirits, demons and other occult things are trans/multi-dimensional. Plenty of stories where some folks are able to see "things" and others, standing next to them, can't see it. The vibrational and/or awareness level has a bearing on awareness.
    Same with "angels", some see, some don't.

  2. Demons? Jesus certainly believed in them.Also plenty of examples of demon possessed people in our world unfortunately.


  3. Given what i saw once i'm a believer that sometimes truly evil things come into our world.


  4. I'm currently operating with the model that most rational people don't see them, because they have to obey certain rules. Rules like "revelation of the method", and "karmic retribution". It appears that they can and do break the rules, but at great cost to them, so they do so rarely and in emotional fits. There may be "referees" involved.

    One of the rules appears to be that they need your consent/permission, so a great deal of their behaviour appears to be aimed at earning your trust.... so that they can ultimately violate it.

  5. As long as you weren't near a secret government lab in Maine you were probably OK.

  6. I have had one encounter walking in the bush after fishing at a remote beach. It was a new moon, a dark night early in autumn, and I was fishing for mulloway at a remote-ish beach in a national park. I didn't get a touch all night, and had a 5 km walk through the bush back to my car. I love these spots because the fishing is always better if you can't drive to them.

    This night I walked through a bit of a thermocline as I headed up the hill. No worries, winter is coming, and I kept going. My Petzl zoom headtorch (the old fashioned one with the battery that looks like a cigarette packet) had died without warning (I thought the battery still had plenty of life) and shrugged & kept going. The track isn't difficult & if I really got stuck, my old Nokia mobile had a built in torch. About four minutes after my head torch died, I reached the top of the hill, and my vision was good enough to walk safely.

    Suddenly I heard a person walking directly towards me, striding with purpose.

    I could not see anyone, and had never encountered anyone at this spot in all the years I had fished it. I panicked and lost my shit - started screaming and swinging my 12ft beach rod around at the sound like a madman. I connected with NOTHING. Not sound of a man running away or dodging, just nothing. The man walking towards me sound just totally stopped.

    Talk about cold sweat. I slowly walked the rest of the way back to the car, pausing from time to time to listen, fighting terror of a lurking ambush the whole way. Rang my mate that normally fished there with me the moment I got back to the car and said you won't believe this but . . . and told the story.

    He still doesn't but that's OK - he's an atheist and devout lefty, so I don't expect much from him.

    Took me ages to fish that spot ever again, and I took my dad & our boxer dog on that next trip. I didn't say anything, but the boxer stopped and growled at the spot where the encounter occurred. He didn't want to walk past it. Dad said there was something weird there, and neither of us could put our finger on it. But we both felt something very strange there. We didn't catch much that trip either.

    As years have passed, I have returned to the spot many times, and have never encountered anything like that before or since. I have caught many big mulloway there and will continue to fish here when the conditions are right. But I always carry a second torch now.

    1. You paniced. That's what they live for. If you keep doing that, they'll keep coming for you. Do not behave like prey.
