Thursday, December 26, 2024

Not At All…


If I had to comment?
I think she’s lying to herself, and will be singing 
a different tune in ten years… but whadda I know?

Are those “crazy eyes”?

Have another glass of Chardonnay Chickie!
THAT’LL learn us!!!

Years ago I tried to have a similar argument with my daughter. I told her that one day she’d grow up, and the life of the freewheeling, foot loose rebel gay hipster would get old and stale. I got sullen, petulant silence back. It stretched from days, to months, to years… I think we’re into our second decade of mutual rejection now.

Awhile back I saw a poost by her messed up girlfriend lamenting the fact that they were childless. My daughter’s going to be 40 this year so I think her love-partner is about the same age. Don’t get me wrong… no kid deserves mothers or parental-units like either of them… but I just felt sad. I was right all those years ago and I wish like hell I wasn’t. I was told to STFU by my family because queers are great and all that matters is that they’re happy…

But then I think of the realities of it - of being a grandparent (even an estranged one)… and the thought of a poor child being raised by either of those two idiots would drive me around the bend. It doesn’t feel like it…but God is truly merciful. Everyone dodges a bullet because they’re childless, and no bones about it!

It seems to “be a thing” - middle aged people in their 40’s brag about “adulting”. Like they deserve cookies and ice cream because they did their chores or fulfilled some other mundane responsibility of adulthood. I totally get why parenthood is something they want nothing to do with. I think this is as close to adulting as this little lady’s going to get and it’s probably a good thing for everyone given the lunacy of our times…


  1. She looks like a pump and dump, if you haven't gotten something better before the end of the night.
    Looks like a forced smile. Yes, it is sad, or will be later.

    1. ...and if the chickie in that pic is 42, I'll eat my hat!

    2. Neck gives it away, so do the crows feet. She's on the boxed w(h)ine & cat-land express.

    3. "The Right hates this". WTF !?!?!?!?

      The "Right" doesn't care what someone else does, Christmas eve or any other day of the year that ends in "Y".

      Virtue-signalling how much of a failure you are in life? Who lives their lives pretending they are virtuous just to "spite" some made up boogie-man who doesn't think about you for a nanosecond? Loser-left-overs, that's who !

  2. It is sad for sure. The propaganda is strong and parents, from my experience, have no say in the matter.

  3. Imagine being 42, still single, and blowing your disposable income on bottom-shelf repackaged box wine because your family can't stand you.

    I get it, though, to a point. It feels like my generation is inundated with the irresponsible and the un-responsible, with the chief divisor being whether they are proud or maudlin in the knowledge that nothing they do will ever be good enough. Might as well celebrate the small victories, since that's all we'll get. So, it's either a boisterous shout of "Ha-ha! I did A Thing!" or a panicked mutter of "Oh God, I hope this is enough..." every other moment.
    I'll take option 2, personally. It pisses less people off who might be willing to teach me something useful.

    1. 42? more like 48.
      trying to look 22.
      at a bar looking to fuul an equally pathetic “guy” on Christmas?!
      this is the best say tonn’s “ women” have to offer?
      imagine the siblings, hubby, children, years of memories etc.
      to sit alone
      wanning to get drunk to have some strange heartless dog put his “pole” into the cave that’s had THOUSANDS previously?!?

      seems worse than any tim burton, horror movie ever conceived…

  4. She's definitely got a crazy look to her. And I thought hanging out at bars on Christmas was the sole domain of true alcoholics and divorced dads with no other family. She's proud to be hanging with that crowd?

    And she justifies it by claiming "the right hates this" ??? Honey, the right isn't even thinking of you anymore. We don't care. You don't even rate a cold fart. Stop thinking you're being some kind of rebel.

  5. The narcissist has a huge 5 head lol! DG

  6. Could use her foreheed as an impromptu projection screen for movie night!

    Chutes Magoo

  7. More "woke" BS bitch slapping the moronic leftards.
    San Fran’s 10-year experiment to prove blacks are ‘brilliant’ at math fails miserably…
    No shit Sherlock! Morons! DG

    1. Well, they're woke, leftist, idiot, 'tard, "educators" (sorry 'bout the needless repetition), so, there's that.


  8. Modern Feminism Is an Attack Against Real Masculinity
    More leftist stupidity backfiring on all cylinders. DG

  9. "Yes, they're sharing a drink they call "Loneliness," but it's better than dinking alone..."

    Billy Joel. Piano man...

    That's the honest truth of this thing...

  10. As a single, never-married, 50-something, I am not sure if this is sad or horrifying.

    I had the great privilege to foster 2 brothers during the pandemic, 2 and 5 yrs old. Being a dad was the highpoint of my life at that point. The bat-guano mother has come back around to sanity, and they spent Christmas Eve Night at my house again. The boys and I had a perfect Christmas morning; Mommy played games on her phone and missed most all of it; Grandpa and Gigi had a spat and never showed up.

    Me and the boys rode new bikes, played r/c cars, shot nerf darts, and had the best Christmas day ever, after attending the candle-light service the night before.

    And I thank the Ever-Loving Lord for the chance to show these boys how to do it correctly and have fun!!


  11. Besides the whole "child free" thing, being in a bar on Christmas also means that you have NO friends and family to spend the day with.

    The "Right" doesn't hate this rather they are having a Merry Christmas with their friends and family while she sits drinking in a bar hoping she can get some random cock for the night.
    Sad and pathetic and in 10 years she'll be an angry, bitter, alone, cat lady, closet drunk drinking box wine.

  12. There's a few reasons why the history of the world generally is the story of man and woman, marry,have kids, and that is the Way Most people go. Wanting a family was huge in my life. I expect she's trying really hard to keep up appearances.

  13. As the Poppster opines "Men can endure and will enjoy solitude. Women cannot. Forty to eighty is a long time."
