Thursday, December 26, 2024




  1. Still a better survival rate than Sodom & Gomorrah, and not so detrimental to the buildings.

  2. "They let us die"? It is never their fault. Romans 1:24 explains this picture fairly well.

  3. Liberals in the blue hives don't know anybody who isn't a fellow liberal. Gays in the blue districts are surrounded by other gays, and think they are more common than they really are. Blacks are surrounded by other blacks, and think they are the majority.

  4. Aids is just another VD these days, they figured out the meds.
    The big problem today is Vaxx Acquired Immune Deficiency, VAIDs.
    There seems to be no cure, just a rear guard defensive decline.
    Unless you Died Suddenly.

  5. I love the way its everybody else's fault that you starfish troopers found out the penalties for your own actions!

  6. The wages of Sin is death

  7. No, no one "let you die..." You KILLED YOURSELVES with your SODOMITE BEWHAVIOR!

    ...And now this same group sings "We're coming for your children..."

    There... I farted... That's about as close to giving a shit about these people as I'm going to get...

  8. Actually, I don't hate it, I like it. This stupid twat is doing our side a favor by taking her narcissistic genes out of the gene pool. Some poor slob had to tend bar away from his family so this entitled ho could exercise her right to be a cunt though.

    Having daughters in Clown World is hard. I have a daughter who is a tatted up mean drunk. She spent a good portion of Christmas at her "friends" house drinking instead of making Christmas special for her kids. How can a father compete with an entire society telling women they can do whatever the fuck they want?

    Troy Messer

  9. Actually this chick doesn't make me mad. It makes me happy that she is taking her stupid genes out of the gene pool. I do feel sorry for the poor slob that had to spend the day away from his or her family so the entitled twat could exercise her right to be a cunt.

    Raising daughters in Clown world is hard. I have a daughter who is a tatted up mean drunk. But at least I got grandchildren out of the deal. She spent a good portion of Christmas with her "friend" drinking instead of making the day special for her kids. How is a father supposed to compete with an entire society that tells women they can do whatever the fuck they want and never think about the consequences?
