My story is now a cliché. Years ago my daughter discovered that she was better than the rest of us and became a militant lesbian cultural marxist. I was told by the women in my family that I had the wrong opinions and views about everything, and that my daughter and her creepy girlfriend were the new heads of our family and they’d decide what everyone could say or think. My in-laws celebrated her newfound sexuality and told me I better had celebrate too or I’d be expelled from their respectable family and magnificent presence forever.
I gave them the finger instead and long story short… that was that for that. Three generations of a formerly tight extended family just evaporated like it never was. In the long run it was for the best for everyone. Ours was a house divided and the bible spells out what happens to those that allow contentious women to rule the roost.
The years passed and I went through all the stages of grief. The family never recovered. My asshole father in law died, my own father passed away. I am now an old retarded stubfart myself, and I realize with some discomfort that my daughter turns 40 this year. Everyone has moved on.
Except… part of me is still in the past, angry and grieving. I am mostly content to leave it there but sometimes it catches up with me even now. I know where my daughter is on the internet, and sometimes I lurk at the sites she frequents just to reassure myself she’s still alive. I don’t do it often anymore as it is rather painful. I am still a father with a father’s heart, and it wants what it wants. But she is what she is too and she will never change.
A couple weeks back I actually managed a decent sleep and even had that old dream from over a decade ago: we were in Elysium. My daughter was in tears, recanting and repenting of all her evil lunacy. I forgave her happily, and told her everything was alright - she’d made mistakes, but now she could fix them, it was all okay…
And then I was rudely awakened by either the wife’s ear splitting bed farts, or the pup was jumping up and down on me wanting me to wake up and go for her walk. Aaaaaaand later on, despite myself… I was on the net lurking at the queer websites my daughter and her love partner hang out at…wondering if anything new had happened in their lives. The last time I checked in - one of their “family friends” had cut off her tits and was posing for topless pics as she transitioned to being a “man”.
Everyone in their circles were ecstatic and heaping praise and adoration on the troon. So stunning! So brave!!! And I was sickened all over again. So much for Elysium and reconciliation.
This time round brought new updates. My “daughter in law” was diagnosed with autism and had a smorgasbord of other health issues. They had two pet snakes. Both had recently lost their jobs and were on pogey, hoping to find something else before it ran out. Finally… they were flirting with the idea of becoming parents. It makes perfect sense, right? They’re both close to 40, they’re unemployed, neither grew up and one has mental issues…. But they both have so much love to give to a child!!!
The father in me comes roaring out: how is that supposed to work? Adoption? Artificial insemination? But then I centre myself and correct. This is none of my business, I have no say or control, everything that kid says and does is between her and God and I should just mind my own bloody business. Elysium and reconciliation are just dreams and I am a dumbass for indulging them.
It all sounds bad… but in the real world it could have been much, much worse. Today’s modern parents are faced with trans kids, and they are as rotten as their gay predecessors… if not more so. If you’ve got such a child on your hands - there are places to share your loss and experiences and maybe it’ll help you cope in the earlier stages of grief. I lurk there sometimes too, watching parents struggle with their pain as I once did, over a decade ago.
Being a dink helps a bit. I almost hope those two idiots become parents! They’ll deserve it when their child responds to them with a chainsaw when it hits puberty, HAR HAR HAR! It’s getting to be an ugly world out there, filled with ugly, unhappy people and the best you can hope to do, sometimes - is not be part of it.
If you should stumble across my blog, Spud… Mom and I are fine. As for your wedding, I can see why we weren’t invited and would have declined even if we were. I sit here, looking at what you and Kat have done for my family… and would like to reciprocate with an appropriate wedding gift for you and yours!
HAR HAR HAR! HAR HAR HAR!!! 😂👍 Maybe the father in me is dead after all. If so… maybe it’s for the best. You guys - keep your kids close if ya can.