Greetings, Sons of Rome!
Today is Friday! And once again, the terlets of Rome have backed up and erupt with blessings, good fortune and spatter us with peanuts, corn and merriment! ๐๐
I’ve kinda tried to hold off on commenting on the poast-election lunacy from the Usual Suspects. For one… it’s like shooting fish in a bucket. Not much sport in it… For another, most of it’s fake - they’re only doing it for likes and subscribes and looking for negative attention. Same as many ill-behaved children nowadays. Some of it’s sincere though. The Salty Cracker was spitting and gobbing about some shitlib retard that flipped out ever the election and murdered his ex, his wife, his kids and finally himself. I got banned from OyTube when I pooped in the comments and told Salty that we need to adjust our paradigm: when shitlibs murder their own children, poison their husbands, refuse to mate or breed, or kill themselves… why, that’s a GOOD thing! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! HAR HAR HAR!!!
I suppose I shouldn’t laugh because these days it’s no joke - it’s true! FAFO is going to become a terminal lesson for a lot of lefties on the other side of the political divide (and those that tolerate their bullshit) - and although one is moved to feel sorry and sympathy for them… one way or another… these people have to go away. Today theres some rude jokes at their expense below the fold, as well as some other politically incorrect rotters. If you are mature enough to have a sense of humour - be my guest past the fold.
If you’re easily triggered … welp, screw you - go on in and get offended!
Unlike JewTube, this community welcomes everyone except pussies, commies and child molestors. Ya probly seen them all already anyways!
Thanks for stopping in! And have a great Friday!
The flange one gives me heart pain. I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of our electricians.