Friday, October 18, 2024


    You see us every morning,
    A common pair are we,
    Each on a leash's ending --
    My little dog and me.
    We amble village byways
    In bright or dismal weather;
    You may not think there's much in that,
    But we have fun together.

    No many-stranded cable
    Could bear the jokes that pass
    Between my little comrade
    And me -- my! how we sass!
    But how we give assurance
    That we don't really mean it!
    (A dog-and-man companionship
    Is balm to him who's seen it.)

    He greets his dog friends gayly,
    While I to neighbors speak;
    He sometimes finds a treasure --
    A bone that's lost its meat!
    He talks with dogs or children,
    While I swap views with master . . .
    I had this thought the other day,
    While visiting with Pastor.

    "When dog and I have rambled on
    Beyond this mundane scope,
    And seen the Golden Gateway,
    (From the inside, we hope!)
    We won't pause on the highway
    Made smooth for feet more sainted,
    But wander down some quiet land,
    And start to get acquainted.

    We hope there'll be a hydrant,
    A friendly tree or two,
    Some drying leaves to shuffle,
    A field to wander through.
    We'll glory in our freedom,
    And need no leash of leather;
    It really will be Heaven, Lord,
    As long as we're together."

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