Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Lie Of Omission - Burning Down Barriers


Very interesting.

I’ve always been contemptuous of modern feminism. Boiled down, it’s an attack on womanhood and on the family. Families dominated by feminists seldom do well. When these entitled empowered female leaders chit the bed, officially we are expected not to notice. We saw this when that lesbian Navy ship captain ran xer ship into a coral reef and sank it. A powerful entitled female official from the NZ gubbimint came out and told all the tards and wanks to can the inappropriate laughter - ships run aground all the time!!! Stupid male officers have been sinking their own ships all throughout recorded history, damn you all!!!!


But I never heard about this one, and it was right in my own back yard. Apparently the fire department was being improved and fortified with the froots of feminism and celebrating its new gender diversity and inclusion.  A conference was held near Banff to showcase the skill and performance of female firefighters. It would prove once and for all that women were equal to men in everything and put an end to intolerance and misogyny. The job was simple: start a pattycake fire, the wahmen would roll up and douse it and prove to the rubes - once and for all - that hundreds of thousands of years of evolution were all wrong and that women can do it all just like the guys.

Jane Park, the female "fire management specialist" who helped organize the conference, described the group of women who accidentally started the forest fire as the "cream of the crop."

Aaaaaaand… they lost control of the fire, almost burnt down Banff National park, and people nearby had to be evacuated from their homes.

I never heard a word about it and it happened last year. All I can find on a web search is stuff by small “content creators” on social media and the little sensationalist news aggregators.  

This will not end well.


  1. this is the only time I would approve of hiring trans "women"

  2. But they be the "cream of the crop," as the lady said! ;)

  3. Hey! EVERYBODY makes mistakes! What ulterior motives are you promoting to cast aspersions upon The Cream of the Crop?!?! Maso much?!

  4. This likely happens far more often than we know.

    I know of at least one occasion *very* close to me, which is the only reason I know about it: Close enough that I could hear the simplex traffic on national forest tac channels (not their repeaters). Control burn got away, had to pull in state and county fighters. Never made the news, or even local repeater traffic.

  5. Then they had to send the men in to fix their Didn't Earn It shit.

  6. None of this is a surprise. In my experiences in both policework and the military (combat arms), the vast majority of the women I served with were absolutely useless when it came down to brass tacks. When they weren't milking the maternity leave cow or gravitating to some bullshit 'support' job, they were an absolute gong show when it came to going hands on.

    In the military, you'd be hard pressed to find a female troop in a rifle section or on a gun line pulling their weight. Same again with LE work. They'll talk all sorts of shit around the guys, but put their money where their mouth is? Fuggedaboudit.

  7. The banff one was in 2023, when half the province was burning from arson.

