Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday Ramble: Filthie Gets Gas, Big Garbage Day Score & More!!!

Well engine test day came and went. We moved into Flapz’ garage, bolted the little chink engine into my improvised test fixture… and we started chicken-sticking the little chinaman but couldn’t get so much as a dry popcorn fart out of him. Flapz is big on hand propping RC plane engines for some reason… but I ain’t. I put my electric starter on the little 10cc clipper and he fired right up! I got a little fart on full choke - took the choke off and … blammo! Off he went! Our tach said we were idling a little over 2000 RPM, hitting about 9500 at full throttle - right within spec for a 13x7 prop. It idled a little rough on the low end so I leaned it out a smidge… and it transitioned to full RPM with out so much as a stutter. We are running 30:1 full synthetic oil for break in so she smoked and spewed a little but after a gallon or so goes through we’ll bump down to a 40:1oil ratio.

We ran one tank through it and then Flapz’ son dropped in. I love that kid - he’s apprenticing to be a steam fitter up at Ft Mac, he’s always busy and he loves his job. He’s smart with his money and about women and has a great future in front of him.

The problem with living up in Ft Mac is that there’s more friggin newfies, First Nation freeloaders, druggies and other assorted turdies than you can shake a stick at! They smashed the window out on his truck, got in - and stole some chains and his flip-flops! Who steals fuggin flip-flops? Once again I was forced to lecture everyone about the superiority and practicality AND style of crocs… but as usual my wisdom fell on deaf ears. I’m just happy they didn’t bust up his dash trying to pull the stereo out. 

Yes, YOU should be wearing these too.  
I will tolerate no disagreement or rude jokes at my expense on this issue.

I am convinced that petty crime like shop lifting, graffiti and break ins could be halted in its tracks with five good cracks with a horsewhip. The kids pull this shit because they can get away with it. I remember that asshole - Blowjob Bill Clinton - intervening in a case in another country where some American kid decided to go on a binge and bust windshields for fun and amusement. They caught the little bastard and were going to cane the little chit… and ol’ Bill told them he’d send in the Marines if they hurt the little prick.  Grrrrrrrrr…. after the revolution, fags like Clinton and Turdo will be sent to the camps to be worked to death. Morons.

But I digress… after our first run I wanted to see how much juice we sucked out of the battery… and we hardly touched it! We hardly sucked at all! HAR HAR HAR! 

Yesterday was Big Garbage Day where people throw out old stoves, chesterfields n’ furniture and me and the Niglet put on 14 clicks roaming the neighborhoods, shopping for freebies! HAR! Fortunately I didn’t find anything… but when we got home mom called in a flather wanting me to run some of Pop’s old shite to the curb. I guess she got it into her head that the dust collector was trash… so I put it in the Dawgmobile and brought it home. I also filtched Dad’s small pony clamps and half a jug of gorilla glue. 

All it cost me was listening to Mom telling me what an asshole I am, why my dawg is no good, and what a bitch her older sister is. I got in shit for texting her during a game on TV too… I wish to hell I could get her to go into a home or some kind of assisted living… but … I am wrong about everything. Whadda I know? I’m just texting to make sure the old bitch is still alive… and if I don’t then she gets pissy about that too! HAR HAR HAR! I tells ya - if it weren’t for JL and the constabulary skulking about - I’d have dispatched Mom and Big Bro and inherited the vast Filthie Family Fortune for myself! HAR HAR HAR!

All the dust collection systems I’ve seen are far more elaborate but if it cuts the dust down even a little bit in the Reclusium… I’ll call it a win.

I hope everyone had a great Saturday, and that any Canooks in the crowd are set well for Thanksgiving. Have a great weekend and if you’re throwing something good out - be sure to give me a call!



1 comment:

  1. Uh, Filthie.....thode little holes in the crocs are where your dignity seeps out
