Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 Well Humpday will be day 4 for the new lifestyle. I’m still doing good; I’m behaving diet-wise, but trying to move again is a struggle. My back is all kinds of messed up, and I have a knee that could probably be replaced… but screw it. 

The Niglet and I are trying to get a baseline of 10km a day walking. Yesterday we did 13, today we did 9. My legs are not the limiting factor, it’s my bloody back! I can’t sit down to give it a rest either because the Niglet flips out and worries about me. She knows I’m hurting and it just wigs her right out. Ughhh, she barks and whines and slobbers on my with unwanted dawg kisses until I get up.

I had to break down yesterday and dump 3 Ibuprofens… and it was just heaven when they kicked in! Hannah curled up in my lap and I just crashed! I did three again today but the pain wasn’t as bad. I might try a long range one tomorrow without popping drugs and see what happens…

I think that if I can dump the weight and keep after it my range and back will improve.  That’s the hope anyways…


  1. Pain sucks. Folks say that getting old sucks. No, that's just a process. BEING old... well, that's another story. I've had two surgeries inside of a year. One decomp-fusion C3-T1 and that only happens if things are "all kinds of messes up" so I can very much relate.

    Walking is excellent keep at it. I for one have found that cycling... and not one of those arse-in-the-air techno torture "rolling cloud" machines you see the spandex crowd rolling around on either. A proper cycle or... (what I've been rolling on) a cool chopper. In my case an original Electra Rat Fink.

    Easier on the knees, laid back, flat foot stance. I do understand this may be difficult depending on _where_ your back is troubling you.

    I've been on Meloxicam for inflammation since time out of mind. NSAIDs are far more helpful when you maintain a therapeutic level over time. Something to consider.

    As to dumping weight... I dumped 50lbs in far too short a period of time. I'm glad of it but do NOT recommend the methodology. A wonky thyroid (ripped out three weeks ago) was NOT the way to do it. In fact losing the weight was the only up-side. Nearly losing my MIND? Not fun at all.

    Keep plugging man!

  2. Try Tylenol and Advil together (watch dosing to avoid liver toxicity), but if you suspect a slipped disk an inversion table will work wonders. It hangs you upside down by your feet and allows your spine to stretch out and adjust. I made mine after trying one at a friends.

  3. Everybody has a different recipe for dealing with pain.

    Have you considered visiting a chiropractor? Alternating ice and heat on the pain? Stretching hamstrings? Tight hamstrings can make your back hurt because the tension chases around your body until if finds the weakest link.

    You have to fiddle with things and find what works for you.

    1. Yes, yes, yes - I even tried cortisone. I think it’s the gut, Joe. If I can get rid of it I think a lot of that pain will go away…

  4. As an old pharte that went through this I can say, keep it up but listen to your body. At our age, there really isn't no pain no gain. There's only pain that you don't' want to go chronic. It gets easier as you drop ballast. I dropped 40 lbs by simply walking the dogs 2-3 miles a day and diet. Once you drop some tonnage, it gets easier. Your energy level increases, and you can do more. Keep it up.

    1. Pray for me TD … I’m gonna need all the help I can get…

    2. I prefer "Aulde Pharte" myself. ;-)

  5. I have found that a TENS unit works best for me in relieving my lower back pain.

  6. I have something of a history with back and general pain. First off, everybody above is correct. My back pain started pre Air Force ('69-'73), but I didn't say anything (rub dirt on it). Then rigging in the shipyards didn't help. 30 years of tree work (a broken back, with 4 cervical vertebrae fractures and a 5th lumbar herniated disc) didn't help. Beat and sprained everything, multiple times, car and motorcycle accidents plus 1 hang glider incident, didn't help, ACL repair, replacing both knees DID help, being 73 with excessive mileage doesn't help.
    What else helps is "just say yes to drugs" Gods way of telling us he loves us. Regulate NSAIDs for liver toxicity (it takes a lot), recommended dosage is safe unless you aren't standard issue.
    Keep walking, lose weight, do chair yoga (no shit! good for flex, stretch and strengthening) and take ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen 15 to 30 minutes before you walk.
    Your'e not a REAL man unless you do chair yoga long enough to get into good enough shape to do something even MOAR manly later. I've probably racked up a year plus in paid rehab, starting some more Thursday for something going on in my right knee. I didn't make this up, I've been blessed with with some outstanding physical therapists. I'm not hunched over or limping, color me very blessed. YMMV.
    Oh yeah, started my inertial, ballistic adventures with falling out of trees, off of rocks, crashing bicycles, down hill coasters, and...some etceteras (likely some undiagnosed concussions in there, so memory!). Fortunate to be alive, been working my squad of guardian angels pretty hard. Apparently God looks over drunks, fools and uncoordinated tards like me.
