Friday, October 4, 2024

Funny How That Works, Inninit

 A hunnerd years ago, when Yanks got flooded out and natural disasters came down the pipe…they were all over it. People would drop everything and on the news you’d see people helping people with choppers getting stranded people off the rooftops, and stubfarts in little rubber boats putt-putting hither and yon fetching victims, taking in supplies, and doing what had to be done. I remember even Hollywood’s biggest retard, Sean Penn - sinking in his little rubber boat in 2 feet of water because all the media slobs were climbing into the boat so the could film him rescuing people. There were nine guys (plus their cameras and gear) trying to get into a boat meant for two. Way to go Sean - you’re an inspiration to tards everywhere! HAR HAR HAR!!!


Now it seems that disaster strikes…and it’s crickets. In fact I am hearing that disaster relief is being blocked by the authorities for political reasons and lack of competence. Given the conduct of the Biden regime … it’s totally plausible and needs to be thoroughly fact checked. If true…the Blob of the managerial state will absorb and dissipate any accountability. And if that happens… it’s time to get the guns out, draw up accountability lists, and make examples. Just sayin’.

Hypothetically speaking of course.

I dunno what’s going on but I don’t like what I’m seeing or hearing. If any of you Yanks are going to help and volunteer - remember the first rule of any rescue: protect yourself first. If you don’t then there could be two bodies for the poor ERT guys to bag and tag later. You’re no good to anyone if you’re dead or get killed trying to save someone.

As our countries get ever more vibrant and diverse… these things are going to get ever more common. Prepare accordingly.

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