Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Ramble: Filthie Gets Gas; Pop To The Rescue


I love that green…

Well it’s Friday. Me and the Niglet put on 10 km this morn and yesterday as well. I made it through yesterday without ibuprofen pain killers and may today as well. But … we’re still going to put on a few clicks, I may find myself hobbling so who knows. But we’re happy for now - it’s a start. I’m down about 4 pounds but ya lose fast up front when yer as bloated as I am. I don’t miss the junk food and pizza as much as I thought I would but it’s only been a week.  

This week my new engine came in. I’ve been running the little RC planes on nitromethane glow fuel and that shite is going close to 40 dollars a gallon now… I went through 3 gallons this summer and could have easily gone through much more. Gasoline is much more economical and the upcoming Dirty Bird will need an even bigger engine…which will be even harder on fuel. 

I got a little 10cc gasser for the Turd Bird.
I’m going to re-do the linkages and refurb it this winter if time allows.

I’m building a test stand to break in the new engine, and still working on the Dirty Bird. When completed it’s going to get a 20cc engine. I’m actually pretty busy with that and spending hours on the trail with Hannah.

She’s going to be a beauty if I can make a decent cowl for the engine. Dormant skills are coming back too, I have no unsightly gaps to worry about.

While tinkering with the new gas engine I had to tighten down that mini-spark plug. (You can see it in the pic above beside the knife). I don’t have a wrench that small, and a crescent is too big so I called Mom and asked if I could borrow one of Pop’s wrenches. She said I could have the lot…and God, I’m strongly tempted. They were my Dad’s, and they and a few other artifacts are all I have left of him.

Thanks, Dad.

Gawd I used to love to take Dad’s tools and play with them. As a teen I borrowed them and that drove poor Pop nuts too. He had everything neatly laid out and organized and kids don’t give a crap - when we were done we just opened a drawer and threw them in and called it good. A good mechanic has to know where his tools are and can’t waste time hunting for them. Somehow Pop survived… but he suffered a number of kid-related chimp outs and kiniptions along the way!

I’m no mechanic, I’ve no room left for the chest, and Mom told me if I wanted anything to just take it. Looks like the rest of the family got in there and cleaned a bunch out…but I have all the tools I need for my purposes. 

Pop’s tools will end up in the winds. Who knows - maybe some kid will end up with them, start a career…and then have kiniptions when his kids steel them on him! HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!

Gawd… I miss you Dad.

Hope your Friday is fast and short. Have a great weekend.



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