Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Bah!!! Humbug!!!! 🀬


I gotta message for the pedlars, hawkers and hucksters: it’s NOT Christmas for two whole months yet, you bloated buggardly bungholes! 

Nor is it the 70’s! In this day and age, when you rub my nose in your crappy cretinous commercials, it pisses me off and makes me remember to not to buy your product.

Furthermore and finally - if you insist on using faggots, feminists, freaks, vibrants and other degenerates to try and push your product down my throat - you can shove your product up your collective corporate ass for all I care!

I don’t want any shite for Christmas, I don’t want to buy anything for Christmas (other than for the kids). My Christmases are for my Maker and my family and that’s it. You can take your useless crap and go suck a fart! If I need lures I’ve got The Fishin Hole on the south side that’s been looking after me for over 30 years.

JewTube, Nutflix and Prime are trying to get me to pay extra to dispense with ads. I use the Brave browser to watch OyTube (it filters out the ads) and as for Nutflix and Prime… when the ads come on, I hit the mute, go make a snack or take a leak, or start a fight with the pup!  I got better things to do than watching a couple mixed race faggots swooning about laundry soap.

You are an irritant to me and nothing more!

Sorry for the rant… but…sheesh…!!!


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