Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Astonishing - Whoda Thunk It



  1. Which negates a study done by the sociology / psychology department at some ivy league university (either Harvard or some other one) which stated that the unhappiest people in the entire U.S. of A. were single men. I think they way the fatheads arrived at this brilliant deduction was failing to differentiate divorced men from single men. This was back in the 1960s when such studies were believed to be meaningful, at least by the readers of Good Housekeeping and Redbook. It would have been packed right in there with such gems as, What To Do When Your Hubby Comes Home Late and Doesn't Want His Ashes Hauled and The Truth About Oral Sex.

    I think the happiness scale starts at the top with men who have never been married and have no children, then bottoms out with married women who have three kids in grade school.

  2. Glen, look what's going on in Canada:


    1. Yup. I am now of the opinion that Turdo is not what’s wrong with this country. He’s only the poster boy. In the liberal party every single one of those morons is as effed as Turdo is. Some even more so… and slightly over 1/3 of Canadians - mostly low, unhappy women - will repeatedly vote for them.

  3. Is she now 55 years old and just as miserable, or is there a new crop of 42 year olds that are miserable and want to drag everyone else down?


  4. Oh, so God was right again? Go figure!

  5. Why do you think MAiD was made legal? All these feral careerists will be too great a drain on the CPP and on the health care system. With no family to protect or advocate for them they will go to the suicide clinic and have themselves put down like a stray cat no one wants. At least they can caress their employee of the month plaques and gaze fondly at the picture of the Cuban gigolo they met down south as the needle goes in.
