Friday, October 25, 2024



There’s been too much politics on this blog of late. It’s a product of the times I suppose. The smartest people in this right now are the preppers. They’re quietly working behind the scenes, doing what they do, getting ready for tough times.  

If you can disconnect, there is some grand sport and lethal comedy going on these days. Trump goes schtumping for voats by making Freedom Fries at Rotten Ronnie’s - and the retards lose their minds. The restaurant suddenly has a major problem with e. coli… the restaurant gets pasted with negative reviews on Yelp…burger flippers are menaced and threatened by insane liberals…HAR HAR HAR!!!  It’s actually funny  if you can look at it objectively …                                                                                                    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

Up here in Canada… comedy reigns supreme too. Turdo’s own people are reading him the riot act and demanding his resignation. It won’t be long now. 

The crazies run rampant these days - theirs and ours - and I want my blog to be a stubfart/retard safe place.  


  1. The fact that people have threatened employees at McDonald's in different states from the one visited and knowing the fry guys have no say in the decisions of the owners tells me the attackers lost there mind.


  2. Then perhaps I don't comment here anymore if you want a safe and sane blog much like the limp ass fireworks. It's been a good run Filthie, I bid you adieu...

    1. Yer not going anywhere, Cederq! “Stubfart-safe” and child safe are two very different things. There will be no cuck - conservatism here… if you want that kind of faggotry, you’ll find it somewhere closer to the middle of the right - if you catch my drift.

      I’m just tired of getting caught up in the lunacy is all… and I’m taking a break…

    2. That is why I like pushing the envelope, safe and sane? No one promised me safe and I know insane, it's the sane I am unaware and wary of, for they are the ones most scary. Surely, and yes I called you Shirley, I will comment here until you ban me or I am dead and stinking the place up.

  3. The "elites" and "Their" minions are borderline (and over) un-sane.
    Getting "my fair share of abuse" makes this feel like a safe space to me. Being a retard helps.

  4. The Turd™ just gave his cockus an stern talking to, these cowards fell back in line like the spineless human stains they are, instead of crossing the aisle!

    Chutes Magoo

  5. How does one qualify as a retard?
