Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Whaddya Make Of This, JL...?

 Looks like they're closing down a "safe injection site" in Dead Rear...

Let us not mince words or beat about the bush. "Safe injection sites" is merely shitlib language for "legalized hard drugs". The places that sanction this kind of thing end up looking like movie sets for The Walking Dead. Elon Musk gave TPTB the vapours when he told the truth and said San Francisco is full of shambling, staggering zombies. The lower east side of Hongcouver - the heartland of howler monkey liberalism in Canada - is in the same boat. In Hongcouver the cops don't even want to go in there, never mind the ambulances and ERT guys.

Smol Pee Pee of the Canadian conservatives is talking about treating these wastes of skin and rehabilitation. I kind think he is going to fail. There is no redeeming a mind that has been destroyed by drugs. I'd say their souls die too - drug fiends will do anything to feed their habit, some of which would shame the devil himself.

To my knowledge there are only a handful of countries that beat the drug problem.

  • The Philippines: Under Rodrigo Duterte started a serious war on drugs. If you were caught being a nuisance while using, you literally got beaten within an inch of your life. Some addicts were beaten to death. Dealers were killed out of hand.
  • Mexico has a great history of drug addict rehabilitation. If you get picked up off the street, you go into the can for 90 days. Unless you have connections, money or powerful friends on the outside - you are on bread and water for 90 days,  and if you survive the detox in your crowded cell - you come out clean! If not? Meh - who cares?
  • Some moslem arab countries - if you get caught using or selling your head comes off, in public! 
The only thing that will work on the drug trade is literally a serious war on drugs... and even then it is a close cut thing.

I hope I'm wrong but I think all this is going to do is drive the druggies back onto the street and they'll be shooting up in the playgrounds and on the corner like they did before. The idea behind the safe injection sites wasn't to minimize harm or redeem addicts - it was to concentrate them someplace where wealthier people don't have to look at them or trip over them. Hopefully they'll pack up and go to Hongcouver where there are more gibs and gimmes for derelicts.

The idea of randomly or systematically killing drug fiends make even me squeamish. But I seriously see no other way around it. Maybe the experts know better... but we're going to find out.


  1. I visited Vancouver in the 90s. I wa compressed with how safe the streets were, even late at night. The female friend I was with explained that the Hells angles has come in and killed the low level crims as they interfered with their gambling and hookers business. Maybe something similar could be used now. A few hot batches on the streets could cull the population quickly.

    1. We once had the Hell's Angels in our town. Crime was almost ZERO. They didn't bother us. We didn't bother them., and they were the ONLY gang in town. Now crime is through the roof, and DOZENS of gangs are "represented" here. there are druggies and bums EVERYwhere. Thanks, Newsom...

  2. Anonymous mentioned the Hells Angels. I'll add a few sentences to that.

    Years ago, in the 1960s or so, a bunch of Greek merchants got together and decided they'd had enough of petty crime. They were all business owners - proprietors - and had a vested interest in their neighborhood. The Detroit police were no help, so - they took the law into their own hands. They banded together and armed themselves with equalizers of various kinds (every man has his preference) and, within a three block district, they patrolled. Where they found derelicts, criminals, or undesirables they escorted these people to the border and promised a severe beating should they return. At first, many came back. Then a few came back. Then there were no more undesirables. People came to Greek Town, and pre-teens on foot or on bikes helped them find parking. You could leave your car unlocked with the keys in it, and it would be right where you left it. You could stroll around the sidewalks unmolested. And, at the borders of Greek Town, you could see what you were missing - criminals, druggies, bums of all sorts. Greek Town thrived.

    In another part of Detroit the Hells Angels established a new club house. Even if they looked a little rough, they were friendly to the residents and they kept the crime down. Petty criminals were slapped around and told to leave. Gangsters left and never came back. One day a group of neighborhood kids repaired the fence of a house where an elderly woman lived - without any prompting. When the police showed up to question the Angels about a complaint, they were confronted by the residents, who stated that those boys were nice and helpful, and would carry groceries for elderly people.

    Yeah, all that, because you don't shit where you eat. You don't let anyone else do that either.

    The vigilante solution won't work for everyone, for reasons that are pretty obvious. It works for some. Relatively recently there was one small town in Ohio that decided they didn't want to put up with any BLM demonstrations, so the people that lived there loaded up a shotgun and lined the streets. The BLM demonstration was canceled, and the news media took a holiday.

    We had prohibition, which didn't produce the desired result. The solution to the drug problem is a combination of legalization and severe enforcement. If you're caught slinging Fentanyl, it's five years at hard labor for the first offense. No time off, the criminal will do the entire five. And, while we're at it, solve the illegal immigrants problem the same way. No hand outs, no jobs. Go back home.

    People may not agree, and I know it isn't perfect, but it's a start.

    Oh, the utter horror of it all! Taking the law into their own hands... Sacrilege! Heresy! Profanation!

  3. Red Deer methies spread out like locusts. We have to keep security around our well sites within 300km of RD. If we don't they strip the copper in 10 minutes. RCMP do nothing, we have video of the same truck and same 3 people stealing copper from 4 sites in last 18 months. All we get is we are looking into it, how hard is it to run a plate?

    These days from other experiences i just assume the lack of arrests is because they are protected


    1. Are you a well operator, E? I wonder if the lack of action isn’t because they’re natives…?

  4. What needs to happen, Glen, is that drug dealers need to be treated as the mass-shooters they are. No "rehabilitation." No "three strikes." Get caught dealing and you find yourself at the end of a short rope on a tall tree... IN PUBLIC. Do that enough times and that vermin will either go to some other country or die by attrition. I have no compassion for these people. They literally shoot into the crowd with every sale they make. I see what's left of human beings hobbling down he streets of my once-beautiful town and can only think of the anguish of the parents who once spent YEARS raising them, only to see them make that one bad choice...

    1. Yup. As it is we voat for them and cover for them when they get into drugs….

  5. News Flash!!! Alcohol is a drug. A seriously addictive and life destroying drug. The actual primary vector for violent crime, domestic violence, rape, incest etc. Ask any cop, look at the crime stats. Primary causes of job loss and family problems - ask any social worker. And the health issues - ask a doctor. Look up the stats - as bad or worse than class 1 drugs like coke, smack or speed. So drop the sanctimonious hypocrisy. and get informed. Same simplistic rules for your fave drug? You really want to live in a society that draconian? Where would this kind of Gov abuse stop. Be careful what you ask for. All drugs are bad news if abused. It's a society problem, not a drug problem.

    1. Well… “social workers"? Those guys are mostly bag men in on the liberal poverty/welfare complex, so fuck those guys. I’m familiar with booze and the comparison is asinine. I drank like a fish for years and went to work and paid my bills. I pretty much quit cold turkey 6 or 7 years ago with no ill effects.

      A draconian society…? Welp… I don’t want to live in one that permits addicts and criminals to destroy good neighborhoods, allows addicted morons to endanger children, and enables drug culture.

      Have you ever seen Japan? Their neighborhoods are CLEAN. There’s no graffiti everywhere. There are sketchy places but generally people can go out at night.

      There’s a lot to be said for that.

    2. I don't drink either, and for that very reason... Trouble is, alcohol is LEGAL. Fentanyl, coke, smack, and speed and the like ARE NOT. I have no sympathy for those who blame their crimes on alcohol. ...I'll wait until drugs and/or alcohol decimate YOUR family to gauge your response...

  6. What do I make of this? do not want to know, although I'm pretty sure you know me well enough to make an educated guess.

    Let's just say this is just another instance of the several thousand miles of shit western society is due to eat, thanks to decades of shitty lifestyle and culture.

    We reap what we sow.

    1. Agreed. Our bleeding heart is going to kill us. How these guys went from degenerate criminals, to hapless victims is just beyond me…

  7. Where's Charlie Bronson when you need him ? Its strange how the fentanyl problem doesnt seem to kill all the drug users all at once. There's lots of video on youtube of police going down hard from just opening a sports bag in the back of a car. Narcan inhaler immediately or you're dead. I thought this would have solved the drug abuser problem by now.
