Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Call Me Skeptical - Among Other Things


care of Cederq.

Before we get started I wanna make it crystal clear: I love the squaddies and it is my scholarly contention that the sun rises and sets on those guys - even in these days of enforced faggotry, diversity, and the proliferation of REMF’s.  I am still an official fanboy of the Marines, but I like the swabbies, the flyboys and everyone else that would serve their country well.


We live in the 21st century. We can no longer trust ANYTHING we see or hear. In the mainstream media it is now safe to assume that whatever they say, the truth will probably be found about a mile away, bearing 180. We REALLY need to start being adults and fact checking the ever-lovin chit outta EVERYONE the would purport to lead and speak for us. 

When I see men like Hun Cao - my alarms go off. It isn’t a racial thing (although that’s part of it; I am a race realist and DEI is what it is) - this guy checks too many boxes. Kinda like Pete Bootybutt Blaster. Kinda like JD Vance. Let’s dive in.

Hrrrrrmmmm. Special forces, eh? Plausible - but here’s the problem I have with that: the guys that live that life literally do it at the forward edge of the operating performance envelope of the human animal. Sometimes they go beyond - far beyond. It takes everything those guys have to operate at that level. The real McCoy’s - the door kickers, the guys that jump out of helicopters, the guys in the rubber boats fishing in nasty rivers… they get scars. They see the human animal at its absolute worst, they operate at sub-Olympian levels of athleticism, they find themselves in fatal clusterfucks and see shit that would give Darwin and Murphy nightmares. If you follow the milbloggers as I do…that all leaves scars and you can see them too. Terrance Popp, Chris Kyle and Shawn Ryan are just three. Those guys get banged up, and when they’re of no use anymore they get sidelined or thrown away. That in turn produces a bitterness that those guys can’t hide. They do a good job of trying to hide it… but you can see it if you squint your eyes.

I’m not seeing scars on Mr Cao.

Supposedly we have a man here who maintained an Olympian state of fitness, operated at the very tip of the spear for years…and in his spare time he built an academic career, in the halls of scholarship where again… it takes everything a man has - just to be there. 

All this… from a guy that supposedly jumped off a boat as a child with impoverished parents? By rights he’d have grown up in some Chinatown district and become a shoemaker, or a laundromat owner, or working in a noodle house.

I’m just saying that in the real world? Opportunity like this does not come to anyone that isn’t connected. It sure as hell doesn’t go to some gook kid off the boat from Viet Nam. This guy looks to me like a manufactured candidate. On top of all his work in the field and in the classroom - he had time to get married, have a bunch of happy little clippers and a good marriage.

AND - he’s a bang up sales guy with serious presentation skills. That ominous banging on the door was the height of showmanship and the normies and grillers would eat that shit right up.

Yes, there ARE overachievers, whiz kids, and some of the rockstars are real. But usually…they’re fakes. I’m going to reserve my opinion pending further information. Ya never know. The world is so inverted now, that suspicion and skepticism are your best friends. Trust only those that can be verified.

1 comment:

  1. Damn Filthie, you harshed my mellow.... Here I saw a glimmer of hope, and you took it away. I agree, the old Reagan cliché, trust but verify.
