Friday, September 27, 2024

"There Are Plenty Of Jobs In The Construction Industry For Women..."

 "... but first, you'll need a support group!"

I turned off the radio; unless that idiot machine is playing music - I don't wanna hear it. But...JFC... is you're a white male... you're supposed to be ready to work. That's assuming they'll look at you at all given that you're the wrong colour, wrong gender and - in my case - the wrong age.

I think I need a fuggin "support group"! On second thought... I can just imagine what that'd look like.

It's a woman's world, fellas. And unless you want a job that's fake and gay, you're shit outta luck!


  1. I work in the chemical industry. Gulf Coast area. The "women" who work construction are 100% Hispanic, speak ok English compared to the men in the construction group, and 100% don't actually work. They are the "hole watch" for confined space entry, the flag girls for road construction, the safety/radio contact for any other crew, pretty much any job where you just stand around, sign paperwork, watch safety meters, drive the truck, fetch the stuff from the tool room, and wave little flags. I've never actually seen one with a tool in their hand. Sorry, that's just not a job for 99% of the women out there.

    If you're a white guy just beginning, beware that they'll hire Spanish speaking questionable immigration status men first cause who the fuck cares, they'll work themselves to death for pennies on the dollar. Better get a decent technical education because there ain't no job for you at the very bottom levels.

  2. I'll be in your support group Filthie. With my Behavioral Therapy background I can bring substance and a lot of touchy feely bullshit that would work in a DIE environment.
