Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Filthie Submariner


When I was a kid me and the other li’l tards could swim better than a Navy SEAL and no bones about it…or maybe there were…? 🤔 

But I digress. We’d go under and lurk in the depths of the pool with our goggles on and perv out over the girls. I had a snorkel but didn’t use it as it’d give away my position. That’s how we all became retards - our brains got starved for oxygen.  


  1. I grew up with a pool. I could kick in place and keep my waist above water for 8 or 10 seconds. Used to swim about 6 or 8 laps underwater before I had to surface, or sit on the bottom with a rock for about 3m. Fond memories of simpler times. I can't remember the last time I went swimming.

  2. Last time i hit the public pool I had to explain to the 5 year old why two purple haired land whales were kissing and grabbing each others boobs in the kiddy pool. He's a teen now so 11 years ago.


  3. I like to go swimmin’ with bow-legged women an’…….

  4. Having a pool in the back yard was a sign of affluence and wealth when I was growing up. We had one family with three bitchy little daughters and a youngest brother - about six or seven, I think. The story goes that they were seeing who could stay under the longest, and little Benny kept popping up to the surface. So, the girls gave him a cinder block to hold him down.

    No one really knows how long he was under, but the ambulance guys estimated five minutes or more. I think they moved not long after that.
