Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Forensic Archeology


A couple years back the eggheads and tall foreheads over at the UofA got into a major flap when they found an excellent petrified dinosaur skeleton up by the tar sands. The problem was that when this particular critter walked the earth - Alberta was deep underwater and this whole area was an inland sea.

“Or was it?” some of the upstarts asked. Obviously if this lizard was where he was… it had to be dry land as these things were not adapted to swimming. After a serious internecine academic pie fight that threatened to become a bench clearing brawl… somebody suggested that the critter may have died on a distant beach. His corpse bloated up like a beach balloon ball…and when the tides came in… he got washed out to sea?

Who knows…?


  1. “he got washed out to sea”?

    How you assume its gender?
    How DARE you!

  2. Or maybe he was dragged out to see by something larger while playing in the shallows.

